JAKARTA - For the millennial generation, rain creates the impression of melancholy. In every generation, rain is also a source of inspiration. Rain in 2021 will not fall evenly in Indonesia, especially in mid -September.

Water as a source of life, has a cycle whose pattern is always the same. From the water that evaporates, it condenses into water vapor and then it rains. Due to uneven rainfall, in some areas there is a drought. According to the teachings of Islam, here are 3 prayers for rain and rain.

1. Kurab prayer said before the prayer for rain and rain

This prayer was taught by Rasulullah SAW when he faced a drought and asked for rain to wet it.

Based on the order in accordance with the guidance, Rasullulah SAW recited the kurab prayer first. Kurab prayer is a prayer recited when experiencing difficulties. The prayer reads as follows:

لا إله إلا الله العظيم الحليم, لا إله إلا الله رب العرش العظيم, لا إله إلا الله رب السموات ورب الأرض ورب العرش الكريم

Lā ilāha illallāhul 'azhīmul halīmu, lā ilāha illallāhu rabbul' arsyil 'azhīmi, lā ilāha illallāhu rabus samāwāti wa rabbul ardhi wa rabbul' arsyil karīmi.

Meaning: "There is no God but God who is great and polite. There is no God but Allah, the Lord of the majestic Throne. There is no God but Allah, the Lord of heaven, earth, and the glorious Throne. ”

2. Pray for rain and let it rain

After reciting the kurab prayer, the istisqa prayer is recited later. The reading of the prayer to ask for rain and be blessed with wet soil is as follows:

God forbid that we should do evil, that we should not be ashamed, neither be dismayed.

Allāhummasqinā ghaitsan mughītsan hanī'an marī'an (and history of murī'an) ghadaqan mujallalan thabaqan sahhan dā'iman.

Meaning: "O God, send down to us rain water that helps, easy, fertilizing, dense, abundant, evenly distributed, comprehensive, and eternally beneficial."

God cut us off, and do not gather us from the city.

Allāhummasqināl ghaitsa, wa lā taj'alnā minal qānithīn.

Meaning: "O God, send us rain. Don't make us one of those who give up hope. "

God heard the words of David, and of the children of Israel, and of the children of Israel, and of the children of Israel.

Allāhumma inna bil 'ibādi wal bilādi wal bahā'imi wal khalqi minal balā'i wal juhdi wad dhanki mā lā nasykū illā ilaika.

Meaning: "O God, so many servants, lands, and types of animals, and all other creatures experience disasters, famines, and hardships where we do not complain except to You."

God bless us, God bless us, God bless us

Allahmma aghitsnaa, allahumma aghitsnaa, allahumma aghitsnaa.

Meaning: "Oh God! Give us rain. O God, send rain on us. Ya Allah! Let it rain on us. ” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

God bless your servants and your fathers, and show mercy to you, and bless your people.

Allahummasqi 'ibaadaka wabahaa imaka, wansyur rahmataka, wa ahyi baladakalmayyita.

Meaning: "Oh God! Give rain to Your servants, livestock, give Your mercy evenly, and fertilize Your barren land, "(Narrated by Abu Daud).

3. The wisdom that can be taken from prayer for rain

Every prayer uttered contains wisdom in it. The wisdom of praying for rain, among others, is as follows:

Asking for direct help from Allah SWT in accordance with the teachings of Rasulullah SAW. Acknowledging that Allah SAW is the Greatest and Most Gracious Being. By praying, we ask for forgiveness for the sins of wrongdoing. Teach to be more patient. Prayer is a gateway of grace from God because it gives opportunity by sending rain.

The above collection of prayers can be said when there is a drought, asking for rain and it is raining.

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