JAKARTA – Dry skin can be caused by lack of fluids in the body or dehydration. The first thing that needs to be done is to meet the body's fluid needs. Like drinking mineral water at least 6-8 glasses every day.
As reported by Eat This Not That!, Monday, August 30, cold air is also one of the causes of dry, scaly skin. To overcome this, you can eat fruits, especially the following 10 kinds that can help moisturize the skin.
1. Coconut
Like when you are in a coastal area that brings salt winds and causes dry skin. Coconut fruit can help keep the skin and body hydrated optimally.
According to Brooke Alpert, MS., RD., CDN., dietitian, and founder of B Nutritious, coconut is the key to healthy and younger skin. Both the water and the young flesh, coconut contains antibacterial and healthy fats that make acne clear and help keep the skin moist.
2. Avocado
The protein in avocados, says Alpert, helps the production of collagen and makes the skin firm and elastic. For those of you who are on a diet, choose the right way of serving so as not to interfere with the diet program.
3. Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin C which helps reduce scaly skin, regenerates skin cells, and minimizes dry skin. Including containing vitamin A which collaborates with vitamin C to support the appearance of your skin remains firm and moisturized, said dermatologist Dr. Jennifer Lee.
4. Carrots
Still including tubers, carrots are the same as sweet potatoes which contain vitamin C and vitamin A. Plus, the vitamin A content in carrots is able to stimulate fibroblasts, which are cells that build the skin layer to stay fresh and healthy.
5. Berries
Berries include raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries which are low in sugar. According to Alpert, this fruit contains antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and optimizes the production of collagen in the skin.
6. Tomato
Choose fresh tomatoes and then processed into juice or eaten raw with vegetables or other mixtures into a salad bowl. Fresh tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that has anti-aging benefits. Information from experts, the highest lycopene tomatoes are raw or unprocessed tomatoes.
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7. Orange
Fruits that contain vitamin C, oranges are one of them, strengthen collagen production, optimize its function to maintain skin moisture, and more amazingly, can fight free radicals.
8. Grape
If it's not in season, it might be harder to get this type of fruit, grapes. According to Taub-Dix, red or pink wine acts as an antioxidant and contains lycopene, which keeps skin healthy and soft.
9. Watermelon
Watermelon contains 92 percent water. That is, watermelon is included as one kind of fruit that helps the skin and body to be adequately hydrated. Even more refreshing, watermelon contains vitamins C, A, and magnesium. In addition, watermelon is low in calories.
10. Melon and cantaloupe
The water content in melon and cantaloupe is 90 percent. Inside the fresh fruit contains fiber, rich in vitamin A which boosts immunity and keeps the skin free from infection. How to enjoy delicious melon and cantaloupe? Can be eaten fresh or mixed in a fruit salad with yogurt dressing.
Still wondering how to deal with dry skin when on a diet? Take note of the fruit list above so that it can be included in your daily menu.
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