JAKARTA - The case of actress Shandy Aulia and her insulter continues. This time, Laura Aprilya Bakkara reported back the artist. Launching the @lazzaro_law_firm account, Shandy Aulia's manager uploaded a report that they used 15 lawyers to report Laura to legal action.

Laura's party regretted that the report shared on Instagram was interpreted as informing the public that the name listed was a bully.

"The purpose of the account above is certainly not in accordance with legal norms, because based on the evidence that we have held, it turns out that the actual facts are not like that," said Lazzaro on Sunday, August 22.

This attorney's account asks that the opposing party be prepared as they will settle the case in a matter of days.

"All parties who participate in polluting your client will be humiliated because of the sweet mouth and arrogance of the elements themselves," he continued.

This case began when Laura wrote a comment about Claire, Shandy Aulia's daughter. She likened Claire to an animal and called it malnourished.

“For 16 months, she usually just screams and can't speak, even to call her mother. Each climb is said to be a good job. Monkeys can also climb if they just climb," she wrote at the time.

Seeing these comments, Shandy Aulia immediately recruited lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea along with 14 other lawyers for this issue. After that, Laura apologized and Shandy Aulia canceled her report to the authorities.

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