JAKARTA – Ornamental plants that are displayed in the house need to be cared for based on their needs. If the leaves are curled, as is often the case with Calathea plants, this is an unusual sign.
As reported by Smart Garden Guide, Monday, July 5, Calathea plants have a unique mechanism. This plant is called a temperamental and expressive plant. Even when Calathea isn't feeling 'happy' it will give visual cues.
Here are 4 causes of Calathea curling leaves and how to overcome them.
Directly exposed to sunlight
When grown in the wild, Calathea usually grows under large tropical forest vegetation. Calathea likes shady places with a light intensity that is not too high. For this plant, direct sunlight can reduce variegated motifs, both white and green.
So if the leaves roll up, one of the causes is a too high light intensity that illuminates Calathea plants. To fix this, you can move to a more shady place. Within a day or two, the leaves will bloom and return to beauty.
Extreme temperature
Calathea plants grow at a temperature of 16-26 degrees Celsius. This is the original temperature, but if it is too cold the leaves will curl up to warm themselves. Meanwhile, if it is too hot, the leaves can dry out and shrivel.
Also, make sure the Calathea is not placed directly in front of the air conditioner or heating vent. Because changes in the air, both hot and cold, can damage the leaves.
How to check the right temperature, try to feel the surface of the leaves. If the leaves are wavy, it means that this plant should be kept away from the surrounding heat sources. Or you can move to a cooler place but not be exposed to direct sunlight.
To make sure the temperature is right, check the soil temperature with a thermometer.

Low humidity
Calathea leaf curl is the plant's mechanism for signaling moisture. If the air is dry, the leaves begin to curl and turn yellow. These signs can also be recognized by changes in the texture of the leaves, the leaves become rough, brittle, and the edges of the leaves break easily when touched.
Well, the wrong way of watering will also affect the condition of the plant. Calathea prefers to be watered with a spray bottle so that the water flow does not damage the plant parts.
If you put Calathea plants in a room with a humidifier, even better.
Wrong watering
As explained in the previous point, the wrong way of the watering can have a big effect on the leaves of your favorite ornamental plants. What needs to be considered is the amount of water that is sufficient and use a spray so that the water evenly hits the planting medium.
Avoid Calathea plants lacking hydration and too much water. Because drought and too much water can make these plants unhappy. To check, try touching it with your fingers. If the soil is too wet, it can cause the roots to rot easily.
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