JAKARTA - Actress Sophie Turner has expressed her displeasure at paparazzi taking photos of the child.

In her latest upload on Wednesday, May 12, Joe Jonas' wife uploaded a video shared to her Instagram followers. She found out some paparazzi were photographing her child.

"I want to say why I didn't upload a photo of my child and make sure we avoided paparazzi because I didn't want any photos of (us) there", she said.

"He is my child. My baby didn't ask for life like this, to be photographed. It's creepy that an old man took a photo of a baby without permission".

Then this Game of Thrones player asks anyone to unfollow them and try to take a photo of her child. However, moments later, the video was deleted.

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas welcomed their child Willa on July 22, 2020. To date, the two have never shared photos of children on social media.

The two married in 2019 in isolation in Las Vegas and France.

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