JAKARTA - Former DKI Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok also participated in the Jakarta Pilkada vote. He came with his wife, Puput Nastiti Devi, and his eldest son, Nicholas Sean Purnama Pilkada 2024.
Ahok arrived at the Voting Station (TPS) 60, Pluit Village, Penjaringan District, North Jakarta, Jakarta, at 07.55 WIB.
He wore a white shirt and jeans. Meanwhile, his wife, Puput Nastiti Devi, wore a floral white shirt.
Ahok did not take long to vote, because when he arrived at the polling station he immediately filled out the list of voters attendance and headed to the ballot booth.
When voting, he was also accompanied by his two young children, namely Yosafat Abimanyu Purnama and Sarah Eliana Purnama.
When voting, Ahok, his wife, and Nicholas only spent no more than a minute. Before entering the ballot letter into the box, Ahok had time to show it to the media crew at the location.
When he was about to put the ballot into the box, Ahok raised his opinion and told his son to do it.
"Why do I tell my son, because he wants to provide political lessons to my son, so he knows that this is a process to elect his leader in Jakarta," said the politician from Bangka Belitung Province, quoting Antara.
After voting, Ahok and his wife and children rushed to leave the polling station at 08.15 WIB.
"I want to visit my family for a while, after that maybe a meeting with the winning team (Party number 3 Pramono Anung-Rano Karno)," he said.
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