5 Health Hazards That Threaten Workaholics
Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Many people say working hard is exemplary. It is true, there is nothing wrong with working hard because it will also affect life in the future.

But, everything that's excessive isn't good, is it? So it does with work. Even some studies have shown some adverse effects of overwork aka opiates work on both physical and mental health.

To find out the negative impact of excessive hard work, here is the information as quoted from Medical News Today, Tuesday, May 11.


A study showed that work opiates (regardless of success rate in their field) fall prey to depression. At one point in one's life, a moment where achievements are not as expected will make the person's life feel very empty.

Age faster

Another study linked to this work opiate showed that work addicts will look older faster compared to those who enjoy life more relaxed. Well, if you want to have a fresh and youthful appearance for longer, work well.

Vulnerable in relationships

Statistics prove that work junkies tend to fail in personal lives, as do love relationships. Unless you do have a family that is very understanding and emotionally supportive. But, in a love relationship, usually you will have difficulty having a harmonious relationship if you are still a work addict.


Take a look at your work environment. Who do people look most stressed out of? Of course, people are obsessed with jobs, power, and desire for a particular position. Although that is not a bad thing, but being too obsessed with work will be very dangerous to health. You could be experiencing stress that invites other diseases to attack.

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