JAKARTA - Crossing from the habit of rocking on TikTok, Raihan Habib went viral while preaching in the application. Still young and handsome, Raihan is liked by users of the application who are also his age.

Many give religious messages related to social relations and romance with young people, Raihan Habib's content is widely agreed by many of his fans on various social media.

Calm-faced, Raihan Habib is already thinking ahead about the afterlife. "Introduce me Raihan Habib, 18 years old because TikTok is the son of a fish seller," said Raihan while talking to VOI in the Tebet area some time ago.

Raihan Habib (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)

He told how inspirational preaching on TikTok. "Initially, Raihan helped parents selling fish, then there were fish that were not selling well, we thought why only one fish didn't sell. Finally, TikTok took advantage of the moment. Uploaded without realizing that almost 4 million watched it," he recalls.

The positive impact of the upload's viral load was felt the next day. "I didn't expect that many would comment, especially mothers, some even matched their children. The next day, many bought merchandise asking, 'Is this the kid on TikTok?' I was really surprised, the merchandise usually runs out at 10 o'clock now at 8 o'clock, "he explained.

Raihan Habib (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)

Even though he is still young and has just graduated from high school, Raihan is consistent in making dakwah content. Life experiences are a source of inspiration. "The idea of making a video from recitation, Raihan likes the Koran, what Raihan got the knowledge Raihan got," he said.

Of course, the achievement had felt awkward. In fact, there is a sense of a little insecurity considering that he is still very young. Because of that, Raihan continues to learn.

"If you want to create content, you have to seek knowledge. Especially with words that are different from other people. So you have to look for references like what. Or it can be from your own words. From the pain that you experience," he said.

Life experiences that are not easy are now an inspiration for him. "Previously, Raihan was difficult at the boarding house, because high school was far away, so he had to board. At that time, Raihan only had two thousand in his wallet and was heartbroken because the assignment was not accepted, almost two days did not eat. Raihan is very sad if parents know it can be sad. "So you don't want your parents to be sad, Raihan is silent, restrains himself. Suddenly there is food at the mosque during sunset prayers. There Raihan feels safe and comfortable in the mosque," he explained.

When anxiety arose, Raihan tried to remember his good intentions. "There is a sense of worry being said to be ignorant. But because conveying kindness is important, Raihan has put those feelings aside," said Raihan Habib.

Raihan Habib (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)

Going viral, said Raihan Habib, had a popular impact on him. That popularity can be dangerous if not managed properly. Moreover, the content is about religion.

"The more we are known, the more dangerous it is. You have to be responsible, the principle of what Raihan says is what you do. For example, inviting a friend to pray, you have to pray too," he said.

Because of the virus, he set foot in Jakarta for a new career that he had never imagined before.

"Because of the viral video, a producer contacted DM. Then asked me to go to Jakarta.

Many DMs encourage cooperation in the fields of film, entertainment. Finally, choose one person to go to Jakarta after graduating from high school, "he explained.

Raihan Habib (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)

Honestly, Raihan admits that he doesn't know what talent he has. Because so far there has been no opportunity to cultivate his talents.

"Only whatever is in front of Raihan I will do. For example, if offered to sing, the question is not whether you can sing or not, but how can you sing. Acting too. So all Raihan try," he said.

And it turns out that his first challenge in the entertainment world is singing. Last April 12, Raihan released a single titled Ya ALlah Ya Robbi. "Initially I was very hesitant, shocked, Raihan is not a singer. Because he never covered songs on YouTube and TikTok," he said.

"This is Raihan's new experience about music. From prayer, people believe Raihan can sing. Can other people believe in Raihan, Raihan is not sure about himself? Finally, he decided to try to sing. Even he didn't know the tone, but he wanted to try," added Raihan.

Raihan Habib (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)

Songs, according to him, can also be a way of sharing kindness. "Singing is the hope that the song is good, the words are good so that it can be liked and useful. My first song is about someone who knows he has many mistakes but always wants the best for himself. It tells us that we ask Allah for forgiveness to be given the best choice," he explained. .

In Jakarta, Raihan is not worried himself. Moreover, parents provide full support. "Raihan is already accustomed to being independent, so the problem of parental consent always agrees. Because they know Raihan will take care of himself wherever Raihan is placed which is important to others. I want to have a lot of knowledge so that life is beneficial to many people," he explained. .

Now Raihan Habib is ready to appear totally on entertainment. "Whatever there are challenges, Raihan is ready to do it. While still young and healthy, just do it to find experience, not money first. For a life partner is a thought. But that's not the focus. Later," he concluded.

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