JAKARTA - Working certainly has targets to be pursued, both personal targets and office demands. In order to continue to enjoy and minimize conflicts with coworkers and superiors and clients, you need to have work ethics.

As reported by Mystartjob, workplace etiquette is a code of ethics that builds a positive influence on team development. With ethics, every element in the office can communicate healthily and more interactively without giving up respect for every part of the work.

Well, ethics itself includes rules and moral values. Meanwhile, teams with different characteristics and backgrounds need to work together in attitudes, thoughts, and imagination. Therefore, the application of a code of ethics can generate greater personal interests and orientation in the workplace.

Furthermore, the following ethics below are the most common that every worker or employee needs to have in the office. In the smallest aspect, implementing ethics can make every part of the work more enjoyable.

Show respect

Every organization has a structure, even in the office where you work. The first ethical element that needs to be upheld at all times is to show respect. As someone who is wise, still, show respect.

To provide input, opinions, and thoughts, respect can still be held firmly. Try to communicate effectively and avoid excessive criticism. It is advised to share thoughts rather than criticize without a clear purpose.

Listen to the other person

Listening is the key to getting more. This activity is not easy, but it is not impossible to get used to. It is also possible that if you absorb more information during discussions, presentations, and meetings, it can be easier to process and realize.

Build trust

Both self-confidence and trust in coworkers are required. This can reduce anxiety and enjoy each process more. Wouldn't a great team work together solidly and pursue targets without being overwhelmed?

Trust can be built through known directions and rules. When you know each other's assignments, you will do work that does not overlap.

Have priority

The fourth ethic is related to the previous point, which relates to the duties that are each individual's responsibilities. When you know your own tasks, goals, and missions of the team, the priority scale of each element can be carried out and presents a constructive evaluation.

Time discipline

Why is it a matter of working time based on an international or national scale? This is nothing more than how to recognize productive times and times to rest. When resting, then take advantage of it by having fun. When it is time to work, you can focus on your work again.

Time discipline is not only chasing targets but respecting oneself who has tried their best, following company rules and still developing themselves.

A professional attitude is also inseparable from disciplinary issues, both discipline in carrying yourself in the office and separating personal problems from work problems.

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