JAKARTA - Sahur is an important meal time so that the body remains powerful all day long while fasting. If you are looking for a practical, fast, and delicious sahur menu, the salt chili nugget can be the right choice.

In just 5 minutes, you can serve this delicious and delicious dish for 3 servings. The following is a suitable salt chili nugget recipe for sahur, as reported by VOI from the YouTube channel Devina Hermawan on Saturday, March 15.

Materials Needed:

- 200 gr chicken nugget stick

- 10 cloves of garlic

- 10 cloves of shallots

- 10 red cayenne peppers

- 2 leeks

- 1 sdt mushrooms

- 1 sdt of sugar

- 1/8 sdt pepper

How to Make:

1. Cut chicken nuggets according to taste, then fried until cooked and drained.

2. Distribute red cayenne pepper, shallots, and garlic using food media. Smooth slice of onion leaves.

3. Heat a little oil, stir the spices that have been smoothed with moderate fire, until the dish emits a fragrant aroma.

4. Add mushrooms, sugar, and pepper. Stir flat, then reduce the fire. Cook until the spices are slightly dry.

5. Enter fried nuggets and slice onion leaves, stir briefly until mixed evenly.

6. Serve salt chili nuggets with warm white rice.

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