JAKARTA French authorities have allowed Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram who was born in Russia, to leave France temporarily. This is an easing of his obligations under an investigation into criminal activity in the messaging application, the French news agency AFP reported on Saturday, March 15.
Durov was arrested at an airport near Paris in August 2024 and later placed under an official investigation with a ban on leaving France.
The investigation further worsened relations between Paris and Moscow amid the war in Ukraine and sparked debate over the limits of freedom of speech and law enforcement on internet platforms.
An investigative judge gave Durov permission to leave France for several weeks, and he reportedly left for Dubai on Saturday morning, March 15, AFP reported citing an anonymous source.
The Paris prosecutor's office has not yet responded to requests for comment from the media.
French prosecutors last year stated they suspected Durov of being involved in running an online platform that would allow various illegal activities, including drug trafficking and money laundering.
Durov was also required to pay a security deposit of 5 million euros (Rp88.2 billion).
In France, someone who is placed under an official investigation is not immediately found guilty or must face trial. However, this shows that the judge considers there is sufficient evidence to continue the investigation.
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