YOGYAKARTA Physical fitness components must be trained regularly so that the body does not get tired easily when doing daily activities. With good physical fitness, you will have enough energy, so that you can carry out physical activities smoothly.

So, what is physical fitness? What are the physical fitness components that need to be trained regularly? Come on, find out the answer in the review below.

Definition Of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is defined as a human ability in carrying out daily activities without experiencing meaningful physical fatigue.

In a study published in the Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (2013), researchers defined fitness as the ability to move with optimal performance, resilience, and body strength.

Fitness also refers to a person's ability to protect his body from disease, fatigue, and excessive stress.

The following are some physical fitness components that need to be regularly trained so that the body can carry out daily activities more optimally:

The first physical fitness component is strength (strength), which is the muscle's ability to lift weights in daily activities.

To increase muscle strength, you need to do regular weight training and meet the nutritional needs needed to build muscle mass.

Muscle exercise must be carried out slowly starting from light loads to heavier loads.

In addition to lifting weights, you can also increase muscle resistance by push up, back up, pull up, and sit up.

One physical fitness component is needed by a person so that they can do activities without feeling tired too much.

In physical fitness activities, endurance is related to the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels in distributing oxygen throughout the body during physical activity.

Examples of physical exercise that can increase endurance, namely jogging, cycling, and swimming.

Kerincana merujuk pada kemampuan seseorang untuk mengubah arah atau posisi tubuh dengan cepat yang dilakukan bersama-sama dengan gerahan lainnya. Kelincana dapat dilatikan dengan melakukan zig zag, lambder dril, dan shuttle run.

Frequentness refers to the ability of the joints and muscles to move in an optimal range of motion.

A person who has good body flexibility can avoid the risk of injury when carrying out daily activities.

The types of physical exercise that can improve flexibility, namely yoga exercise, pilates, and tai-chi.

Balance is the body's ability to survive a pressure or burden. Balance requires good muscle resistance in order to maintain the attitude and position of the body when there is shock.

The type of exercise that can be done to increase balance, namely the wax attitude movement, standing with one leg of a jinjit, or lifting one leg.

Coordination is also one of the components of physical fitness, referring to a person's ability to move several different parts of the body.

If the body's coordination is well formed, it will be easier for you to do physical activity.

Coordination can be trained by making movements reflecting and capturing the ball against the wall repeatedly, or bouncing and catching the ball repeatedly.

Accuracy or accuracy is the ability to control the body's free movements towards certain targets.

To train accuracy, the types of sports that can be done are basketball, football, secretion, and archery.

Reaction is the physical ability to act and capture stimulation quickly. This physical fitness component can be trained by catching balls thrown from various directions.

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The explosive power refers to the body's ability to exert maximum force in a short time.

The explosive power is a combination of components of strength and speed. To train explosive power, physical exercises that can be done are squat jumps, font jumps, and side jumps.

Speed is a person's ability to move the body as quickly as possible. This physical fitness component also refers to his physical ability to carry out continuous movements in the shortest possible time.

Some physical exercises that can increase speed, namely sprint running, fast cycling, and so on.

That's information about the physical fitness component that must be improved. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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