YOGYAKARTA In this article will be discussed by the state which allows citizens to have double passports.
As we all know, passports are official documents that show citizenship identity when traveling abroad.
Generally, passport holders only have one state identity. However, certain countries allow citizens to have dual citizenship so they can have two passports at the same time.
Double citizenship itself means someone who lives in a country and becomes a citizen, but at the same time, the person also has citizenship status in other countries. In short, being a citizen in two different countries at the same time.
Double citizenship can be obtained if the second two have signed a dual citizenship agreement. Then, each party recognizes the rights and obligations of citizens in other countries.
So, what countries allow citizens to have double passports? Come on, find out the answer in the review below.
According to the Immigrant Invest page, 49 percent of countries around the world allow their citizens to have two citizenships. Even so, some countries have special rules for having multiple passports.
For example, Argentina. The country has dual citizenship agreements only with Italy and Spain. Thus, people from other countries who wish to apply for dual citizenship must release their original passports.
The following are a row of countries that allow citizens to have multiple passports:
The Indonesian government does not allow its citizens to have double passports. If someone has two state identities, then they are limited to 18 years old.
This provision is contained in Article 6 of Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.
The regulation explains that limited double citizenship status is only given to a child until the age of 18 years with the following criteria:
That's information about the country that allows citizens to have multiple passports. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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