YOGYAKARTA When someone becomes curt and easily offended, we don't always know the cause. But of course it's not without reason, internally someone is easily offended for something. For example, because you're hungry and haven't eaten yet, or because you have annoying thoughts, it can be because there are things you have to do tomorrow but worry. So, you already know how to calm yourself down when you're easily offended?
Usually, it's easy to be offended by reduced emotional control. According to psychologist Emily Hylton-Jean, Ph.D., MPH., easily offended is not clearly defined as a psychological concept in the research literature. When responding to negative events, a person may be on the verge of getting annoyed or even angry. Well, when it's easy to get offended, other people can take a distance from us. That means, here's how to calm down when easily offended so that they can still establish relationships with either the surroundings or those closest to them.
When you are annoyed, your breath will be breathless. Sometimes annoyed with yourself. By labeling you easily, according to Hylton-Jean, it helps us know how to act wisely. This will be very helpful, especially to remind us of our emotional state so that the easily offended nature will not last forever.
Mind affects our emotional state. So if your current mind is very extreme and stiff, these thoughts may be what makes a sensitive and easily offended mood. Well, Hylton-Jean suggests identifying the mind to make it more realistic and balanced.
We are more prone to negative moods and emotions when we are hungry, thirsty, tired, or in pain. Meeting the daily needs of the body, can help prevent easily offended. Make sure you are well hydrated and eat a balanced nutritious diet. Make behavior changes to get better sleep. Do regular exercise if possible walking for 15-20 minutes that can increase your energy levels throughout the day.
Body stress responses can be diverted by relaxing exercises. You can do breathing exercises, such as a 5-minute focus to take a deep breath. Pregressive muscle relaxation is a exercise that reaches a deep relaxation rate. This exercise involves tense activity and relaxation of muscle groups.
We will be easily offended when we don't gather positive things throughout the day. Our attention will only be focused on bad, negative, disappointing, or what makes us want to be angry. Please note, launching Psychology Today, Friday, January 31, regularly participating in fun activities can prevent easy-to-be offended and other types of negative moods.
Because the easy nature of being offended makes people around us feel uncomfortable, calming down for a moment is a wise choice. That way, when needed you already have the skills to calm yourself down and get maximum benefits for mental health.
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