JAKARTA - Minister of Culture Fadli Zon emphasized that the government is committed to continuing scientific research and studies related to the Mount Padang megalithic site in Cianjur, West Java.
He stated that the government plans to bring together experts from various views, both supportive and skeptical, to seek a common understanding of the historic site.
"We will invite various parties, both those who agree and those who have different views, to discuss. This approach is important so that the thesis and antithesis can produce synthesis," said Fadli after opening an exhibition at the National Gallery of Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday.
Fadli expressed his belief that Mount Padang is a human-made structure, and emphasized the importance of the site as part of the history of world civilization.
I believe it is man-made. This site will be an important part of the history of world civilization, although it still needs to be determined how old it is," he added.
He hopes that discussions between experts can update the scientific discourse that had stalled and strengthen understanding of the importance of Mount Padang as a cultural and historical heritage for Indonesia.
On the previous day, Fadli also stated that research on the Mount Padang megalithic site would again be a priority for the government. This research is expected to provide deeper insight into the history and civilization of the Indonesian nation.
According to him, differences of opinion among archaeologists are natural in scientific processes. Therefore, he encourages open dialogue between scientists to find the best solution in continuing research and preserving the site.
As one of the largest megalithic sites in Southeast Asia, Mount Padang has very high historical value. This site is considered to have the potential to become a symbol of the greatness of Indonesian civilization at the global level.
Fadli emphasized that the continuation of this research was not only aimed at enriching science, but also to improve the image of Indonesian culture in the eyes of the world.
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