YOGYAKARTA People suffering from kidney failure are obliged to pay attention to food, especially those related to side dishes. Wrongness in choosing side dishes is feared to worsen the condition of the kidneys. Side dishes for people with kidney failure must not only be healthy, but also help restore the health condition of these important organs.
Patients with kidney failure do not only have to pay attention to the choice of side dishes, they must also pay attention to how to cook them.
Quoted from AI Care, there are several food criteria that must be avoided by people with kidney failure, namely high salt, high potassium, and containing phosphorus.
Some recommended side dishes for people with kidney failure and can help restore their health. You can choose one of the following side dishes recommendations for the breakfast menu for kidney disease sufferers. Some of the side dishes that can be treated are as follows.
Quoted from Siloam Hospitals' official website, the side dishes that can be consumed are egg whites, while the yellow part is better avoided because it contains quite high phosphorus. While the white part of the phosphorus content is low.
salmon and tuna can help restore unhealthy kidney conditions. The two food ingredients contain high omega-3 fatty acids, as well as low potassium, phosphorus, and salt. However, in the treatment it is better not to use salt.
Some vegetables are not safe for consumption by kidney failure patients. However, cauliflower can be the best choice. Kolflower can be processed into healthy and refreshing soup. These vegetables contain fiber, vitamin C, and folic acid. Pay attention to how to cook cauliflower so as not to worsen the condition of kidney failure.
Kidney failure patients are better off limiting protein intake. You can consume chicken chests because the body still needs this substance. Chicken chests without fat can be delicious and safe side dishes. Dispose of the skin to make it safer. However, it is recommended not to fry or roast the chicken chest and avoid the use of salt.
Quoted from AI Care, dark leafy vegetables contain antioxidants that help ward off free radicals so that they are good for the kidneys. In addition, these vegetables contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, and are rich in minera. Patients with kidney failure can consume spinach or kale.
You can be creative by making peppers part of your side dishes. These vegetables are high in antioxidants, low in potassium, phosphorus, and low in structure. That way peppers are good enough for people with kidney failure.
Fish eggs can be a delicious dish for side dishes for kidney failure patients. Fish eggs contain magnesium, selenium, and vitamin B-12, and high omega-3. In addition, fish eggs help reduce blood fat levels and control blood pressure to remain normal. Pay attention to how to cook to keep it safe to consume.
That's information related to side dishes for people with kidney failure. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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