Bogor Resort Police named SN (36) a husband in West Cilebut Village, Sukaraja, Bogor Regency, West Java, as a suspect after molesting his wife NS with a machete to death.

"Sudah (ditetapkan sebagai tersangka)," kata Kasat Reserse Kriminal Polres Bogor AKP Teguh Kumara dilansir ANTARA, Jumat, 10 Januari

SN was charged with Article 44 paragraph 2 of the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (KDRT) regarding the crime of domestic violence which resulted in the victim being seriously injured with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years.

Then, Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code concerning the crime of persecution which resulted in serious injuries with a maximum imprisonment of five years.

Teguh explained that the incident that led to the stabbing took place on Thursday (9/1) at around 17.00 WIB.

The perpetrator SN (36) and his wife who became victims, NS, had an argument before the sadistic abuse occurred because his wife reprimanded her husband not to make her house an online prostitution location or Open BO.

"The perpetrator and the victim, who are husband and wife, quarreled, allegedly because the victim reprimanded the perpetrator for often making the house a transit place for open BO customers through the MiChat application," said Teguh.

Because he did not accept being reprimanded, the perpetrator took a machete and approached the victim who was sitting in the kitchen. The perpetrator immediately vented his emotions by slashing his wife in a number of body parts to the face.

"Then carried out domestic violence and persecution by slashing the victim using a sharp weapon machete towards the victim's face and back of the head," said Teguh.

After slashing his wife, the perpetrator immediately fled and left his wife covered in blood in the house.

Shortly thereafter, RT and several residents saw the condition of the victim lying covered in blood.

"Then from the RT, RW and residents contacted the Police and took the victim to Aysha Hospital for further treatment. The condition of the victim is currently suffering injuries to the face, back head and hands as a result of the sharp machete weapon used by the perpetrator," he explained.

Although they had fled, the residents then managed to secure the perpetrators and hand them over to the Bogor Police.

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