YOGYAKARTA Ketika memasuki keringur, atau masa akil baliq, baik pria maupun wanita mengalami perubahan fisik. Tidak hanya suara yang berubah, tetapi organ reproduk juga pengalami pertumbuhan. Men, pertumbuhan penis dimulai saat pemija. Ini dialami pada usia rata-rata 12 tahun. Lalu kapan penis berhenti tumbuh elong dan membesar?
The growth, shape, and size of the penis vary widely. There is no specific benchmark about which one is normal' or not. That is, as long as there are no problems with its function normally, such as for urinating or reaching and maintaining an erection, there is no need to worry about size. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics reported by Health, Wednesday, December 4, penis sizes stop growing at the end of the period of retirement, which is between the ages of 18-21 years.
Pubertas is understood as a biological condition related to reproductive organs, which is starting to mature. For men,nicity begins between ages 9-14 years. However, this is only an age range, andbanging sometimes occurs beyond that age. At that time, the hormone testosterone increased so as to affect physical changes. Including height, body composition change, and the emergence of secondary sex characteristics, such as growth of mustaches and jambangs and pubic hair.
The growth of the tester begins with changes in the screen or bag containing the tenstis. This bag becomes dark and grows and drops. The skin also thinns and develops small bumps or hair follicles. Often, one thesis is lower than the other and this is normal or common. About a year after the growth of the thesis begins, the penis begins to grow. Penis starts to grow in length first, then expands or the circumference increases. Like height, penis growth also occurs suddenly at the end of this period.
The average penis growth lasts about five years, the same as other physical changes. At this time, some men grow acne, have an erection and ejaculation, the erection can be uncomfortable because of unexpected and random growth. In addition, hair on the legs, arms, armpits, and chests also grow. Muscle mass also increases duringnicity. Men also dream of wetting, pubic hair grows, and the sound also changes.
The size of the penis is influenced by genetics and hormones. The following average size comes from a systematic review of scientific studies: erectile (13 cm); weakness (9 cm); limp (13.2 cm). In essence, during reproductive health, sexual intercourse, and bowel movements, size does not become a problem. If diagnosed with micropenis, or penis size causes problems with its function, consult with urologists.
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