SOLO - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Solo City has completed the recapitulation of the results of the 2024 Solo Mayor Election (Pilwalkot). Candidate pair (paslon) number 2, Respati Ardi-Astrid Widayani (Respati-Astrid), managed to outperform the incumbent Mayor of Solo, Teguh Prakosa, who was paired with Bambang Nugroho.
"Recapitulation at the city level started at around 10:00 WIB and finished this afternoon. As a result, candidate pair number 1, Teguh Prakosa-Bambang Nugroho, received 121,471 votes. Meanwhile, candidate pair number 2, Respati Ardi-Astrid Widayani, received 185,970 votes," said Solo City KPU chairman Yustinus Arya Artheswara.
The total number of valid votes voted in the 2024 Solo Pilwalkot was recorded at 307,441, while invalid votes reached 19,671. The number of the 2024 Pilwalkot Permanent Voter List (DPT) was 442,975 voters, with a community participation rate of 73.8 percent for Pilwalkot and 73.9 percent for the Governor Election (Pilgub).
After the city-level recapitulation is complete, the next stage is waiting for a letter from the Constitutional Court (MK) stating that there is no dispute over the results of Pilwalkot.
"If the letter has been received, then the appointment of the elected mayor will be carried out soon," Arya explained.
In the process of recapitulating the 2024 Solo Pilwalkot, a number of administrative errors were found at the village level. The error includes writing data on the C form results that do not match the facts on the TPS, technical storage of the C1 form, to writing errors in the DPTb column. However, Arya ensured that the error did not affect the final vote count results.
"These mistakes are minor, such as the column of the number of exchanged male and female voters. Nothing is crucial like the number of ballot counting," he concluded.
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