YOGYAKARTA Psychological violence is a type of violence that causes psychological harm to a person (victim). Striking or verbal insults, spreading rumors, intimidation are examples of psychological violence that are often encountered.
Although psychological violent wounds are not visible with the naked eye and are difficult to identify, these actions have a serious impact on the victim. Psychological violence can make a person feel afraid, helpless, experiencing sleep disturbances, and depression.
Quoted from the European Institute for Gender Equality page, psychological violence is defined as an act of violence that can damage the psychological integrity of others through coercion or threats.
Psychological violence not only affects a person's mental health and social network, but also eliminates their opportunities to develop themselves personally, socially and economically in the future,
According to Setyawan in a book entitled Family Doctor Health Service Approach (2019), psychological violence can have quite a serious impact, including:
The following is an example of psychological violence that affects the mental health of victims:
Olok-lokal is an act that looks down and grabs someone, either verbally or with a signal.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), making fun means playing games with words or mocking. While making fun means playing games with actions or words.
An example of making fun of calling someone with names like 'gendut','si stupid', 'glasses' and so on.
The spread of rumors is also one example of psychological violence. This action is carried out by spreading false or untrue information about someone so that their reputation is damaged.
For example, spreading gossip that someone is doing something embarrassing or negative, even though it is not true.
What is meant by terror is an act that creates extreme and continuous fear of someone.
For example, sending continuous threatening messages via social media
Humiliating someone in public can make the victim feel ashamed or insulted in front of many people.
For example, doing fun with other people to make fun of many people.
Extortion is an act of forcing or pressuring someone to get something. Extortion can be done by individuals or groups.
One example of extortion is asking employees to work overtime without additional compensation or asking for certain compensation to provide promotions or certain work rights.
The next example of psychological violence is neglect. This is whether or not to pay attention to or not to respond to someone's whereabouts or needs.
For example, teachers who never give certain students the opportunity to talk or participate in class
Intimidation is an act of scaring or threatening someone or another party to force or influence them
This act is often done with malicious intent, namely to hurt, demean, or destroy the victim's confidence. Intimidation can cause a number of psychological consequences in victims, such as severe depression that can end in suicide.
That's information about examples of psychological violence that affect mental health. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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