YOGYAKARTA - A lump in the gum is a condition that is quite often experienced by some people. Although it looks trivial, the bump becomes a sign of more serious health problems in the mouth. There are various factors that cause the appearance of lumps in the gums.
The lumps in the gum area can appear with varying sizes and symptoms. The symptoms you feel can be such as pain, swelling, to discomfort when eating or talking. If you are currently experiencing it, you need to know the cause of lumps in your gums and how to deal with them.
To find out the causes and how to overcome them, understand several conditions that often trigger the appearance of lumps in the gums below:
gum abscess is an infection in the gum tissue that causes a bent lump to appear. This condition is usually accompanied by pain, swelling, and sometimes fever. gum abscess occurs due to bacterial buildup in the dental area or gums, especially if oral hygiene is not maintained.
This gum problem requires the treatment of dentists. Doctors will usually remove pus, clean the area of infection, and give antibiotics if needed. Maintaining regular oral hygiene is also important to prevent relapse abscess.
Vacancies of gums or gingivitis are inflammation of the gums which are often characterized by red gums, swelling, and bleeding easily. In some cases, this inflammation can cause lumps in the gums due to plaque buildup or dental corals.
Gingivitis can be overcome by cleaning plaques and dental corals professionally in dentists. In addition, brushing teeth properly and regularly using dental threads can prevent inflammation.
Mukokel is a small cyst containing fluids formed due to the blockage of the saliva gland. Usually the mucokel does not cause pain, but this lump can be annoying. Mukokel often appears on the inside of the lips, but it can also occur in the gums.
Mild recoils often disappear by themselves, so you don't need to be too anxious. But for cases that settle or enlarge, small surgery by dentists may be necessary.
Torus is the tame bone growth that often occurs in the roof of the mouth or in the gum area. Torus is not dangerous and usually does not cause pain, but can cause discomfort, especially when using phaul.
Torus usually does not require treatment unless it interferes with the function of the mouth or the use of counterfeit teeth. In such cases, dentists can perform surgery to remove torus.
Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects oral tissue. In addition to causing small bumps, this condition can cause gums to look red and painful. The exact cause of oral lichen planus is not yet known, but this condition is related to immune system disorders.
Handling the gum problem involves the use of drugs such as corticosteroids to relieve inflammation. Doctors will also provide advice on good oral care to prevent complications.
Fibroma is a tame lump formed due to irritation or repeated trauma in gum tissue, for example due to friction of counterfeit teeth or the habit of biting gums. Fibroma usually does not cause pain, but can disturb aesthetics.
If fibroma causes discomfort, doctors can make appointments through small surgical procedures. Avoiding habits that trigger irritation is also important to prevent fibroms from relapse.
Those are some important causes of lumps in gums to understand. To prevent and overcome the problem of lumps in your gums, it is important for you to maintain oral hygiene by brushing your teeth regularly. Also read ways to relieve gray toothaches so they don't relapse.
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