JAKARTA - Having an ideal weight is the desire of many people. The way to get an ideal weight is a lot, one of which is a diet accompanied by eating apple vinegar vinegar.

Citing the Very Well Fit page, apple vinegar is believed to have the benefits of losing weight. Apple vinegar is known as a drink with zero calories, zero fat, and zero protein.

With zero calories and zero fat content, apple vinegar is very suitable to drink when on a diet. Apple cuka also has a filling effect, so that appetite will decrease and the diet program will run more smoothly.

However, consuming apple vinegar must still be on limit. Too often drinking apple vinegar vinegar can result in side effects, one of which is digestive problems.

Reporting from Healthline, it is recommended to only consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar vinegar every day to lose weight. Mix the apple vinegar vinegar with warm water, then drink it.

Drinking apple vinegar can be done after or before eating. However, for people who have stomach problems, it is recommended to eat it after eating because the acid content at apple vinegar is quite high.

In addition, when drinking apple vinegar vinegar, it is also recommended to use straws. This is because acid at apple vinegar can erode enamel teeth, so avoid direct exposure to apple vinegar vinegar with teeth when drinking it.

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