JAKARTA - The music organizer for the film Embie C. Noer was elected as Chairman of the Final Jury at this year's Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) consisting of critics and film activists. Together with members, Embie will continue to examine the 2024 FFI Initial Jury to determine the winner.

We will create an interesting culture where the jury will add a description or reason for choosing each festival winner. This is in accordance with the characteristics of the festival fronted by film reporters and makes it different from other festivals," said Embie after the online final jury meeting on Tuesday night, October 22, 2024.

Embie is known through his works as a music arranger for the film Pengkhargaan G30S/PKI (1984), Rio Sang Champion (1989), and Si Badung (1989) also as a scriptwriter for the film; and his work in the Film and Television Certification Institute (LSP).

Another member of the FFWI 2024 Final Jury is Rita Sri Hastuti, a journalist who has just ended her job at the Film Censorship Institute. Starting his career from 1980 until now, he has not only become a print media journalist, but has also penetrated the world of journalism on radio and television.

The director of the film Nurman Hakim, whose works won many awards and were included in the selection for international film competitions, rejoined as a judge later this year. Nurman, a person with an anthropological doctorate from the University of Indonesia and a lecturer at the Faculty of Film and Television, the Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ), also often writes essays about films and culture in various national media.

Next is Rosyid E.men, a journalist in the daily People's Thoughts, writers, writers, and directors who live in Bandung. One of the initiators of the Bandung Film Festival has joined FFWI, both as the Initial Jury and Final Jury since its first title in 2021.

Daniel Irawan, a film critic and Chairman of the Standing Voters Committee from the prestigious Maya Cup event since 2012, has also been active in judging FFWI every year. He often gets the trust of judges at the Children's Film Festival, The Independent Film and Television Alliance (IFTA), and Film Festival Indonesia (FFI).

"As an independent festival organization, the objective assessment of films that have been enjoyed by the wider community is the hallmark of FFWI," added Daniel, creative director of a national production house who is also a dermatologist domiciled in Medan.

FFWI 2024, in collaboration with the Directorate of Film, Music and Media of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, has selected Indonesian films that have been shown in cinemas and OTT in the period from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024.

The Awal Jury, which is tasked with sorting films and selecting leading winners, consists of 21 active journalists in the fields of film, music and culture. The peak event of the Gunungan Cup Award will be held at the RRI Auditorium, Central Jakarta, on November 16, 2024.

The President of FFWI 2024, Wina Armada Sukardi, said that the judging process does not only prioritize the quality of the work technically in determining the winner. "Many other considerations; such as the context and relevance of the story with today's reality are also taken into account," he explained.

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