YOGYAKARTA Cats lack nutrition are more often experienced by street cats than home cats. But not a few home cats do not have a persistent appetite and hunger. Cats who are really hungry, are characterized by continuous meowing, often go to their bowls, try to steal food, scratched, and rub their heads.

In the wild, cats eat snacks several times throughout the day. So it makes sense that home cats often beg for food, but this is just an instinct. Launching Catster, Thursday, October 17, here are the signs of a cat with a lack of nutrients that an anabul lovers need to know.

Cats that lack nutrition, look thin and have prominent ribs. His stomach is concave and his spine and hip bone are clearly visible. If you meet a cat with such a physical condition, it is important to give him enough protein-high food. It is also necessary to take him to a veterinarian for examination if he has a certain disease.

Some cats eat quickly, this is natural. But starving cats will swallow food very quickly. If you try to take the food, they will splash, bend over to warn you not to take the food.

Houses with lots of cats almost always have cats that like to eat other people's food remains. This is normal behavior, but it must be monitored because it can affect his health. Cats are starving, can steal food. They may pick up trash or steal bread or cheese on the dining table.

Many owners of anabul mistakenly thought that cats vomited food because of fatigue. But regulatory, passive stomach discharge is found in the concavity because cats are sick while eating. That's why anabul vomits food when they lack nutrients.

Starvationing cats may try to eat items that are not food such as cloth, plastic, cardboard, and paper. Also known as pica, this is more common in younger cats than older cats. The cause of the pica is usually difficult to find. Sometimes, this is caused by premature screening or hormonal causes, behavior, and infection, among many others.

There are many reasons why cats experience diarrhea. Inaccurate nutrition is one of them. Sometimes, diarrhea is a sign of malnutrition, and other times, that's the cause. Whatever the case, it's always important to monitor the movement of your cat's intestines.

If you don't eat, you don't have energy, and hungry cats won't have much energy to do their cat's basic routines. You may see cats sleep more, take a leisurely walk, and almost never run and play. It's a survival instinct to save as much calories as possible.

Care is the expected behavior of cats. In the wild, cats clean themselves after each meal to remove the smell of food from their bodies. Plus, cats like to feel clean. Treatment is a clear health sign in cats. Cats that don't care for themselves mean they're not healthy. In this case, it can be a sign of nutritional shortage.

The behavior of beads is like "sparing" but worse. It's hard for cats to focus, and cats may try to get your attention in any way possible. It's not like the way your cat tries to get your attention into bed to get its normal lattice portion. It's usually a stronger version of that.

That's a sign of a cat's lack of nutrition that cat lovers need to know. In addition to overcoming it immediately by giving a cat quality food, it is also important to regularly check with a doctor to find out his health condition.

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