YOGYAKARTA Generation Alpha is a demographic group born after Generation Z. So, what are the characteristics of the Alpha generation? Check out the review below.

The term Generation Alpha was first coined by demographic researcher Mark McCrindle, used to name children born between 2010 and 2025.

Millennials (other designations for the Alpha Generation) grew in the digital era and experienced various rapid social and technological changes.

Compiled from various sources, the following are the characteristics of the Alpha Generation that you need to know:

The characteristics or characteristics of the first Alpha Generation are skilled at using technology. Millennials are born in the digital era and do not experience the world without an internet or smartphone.

As a result, Alpha-generation children have been digitally literate from a very early age and skilled at using technology.

Millennials get used to multitasking or doing various activities at one time. This arises from the habit of reading, watching, talking, and listening to music at the same time. Plus the desire to get work done quickly so it takes time efficiency.

The ever-evolving technology has shaped them to be able to manage a variety of tasks at the same time efficiently.

The Alpha generation tends to learn more easily than text. They are more interested in videos, images, and animations than printed books or long writings.

This is one of the prominent characteristics of the Alpha generation, where their learning process often involves video platforms such as YouTube, visual-based educational applications, and other interactive tools.

The ease of accessing information technology allows Aplha Generation to connect with anyone without limited distance and age.

Millennials can connect with each other through social media, games, and much more. This is a challenge for parents to take care of their children so that they don't get along with each other.

In addition, easy access to technology also raises concerns about privacy and cyberbullying.

Ethnographically, the Alpha Generation generally dislikes the concept of various too many. They have to benefit from this sharing. this attitude is not like previous generations.

Alhpa's children cannot be limited by rules like previous generations. Especially if they think it doesn't make sense.

Their energy is difficult to hold because the digital world connects them with an unlimited perspective.

The Alpha generation does not view the rules as something that must be followed. Not a few of them rebel if they feel too restrained.

Children born in the era of technology growth are known to tend to have an open, transformative, and innovative mask pattern. They have the ability to think creatively and adaptively, with their needs that technology can easily fulfill.

Their concern in responding to change can be an impetus for innovation in various sectors.

That's information about the characteristics of the Alpha Generation. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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