YOGYAKARTA Magnolia plants include perdu plants that can grow as high as 60 meters. Most popular in Indonesia, the Magnolia champaca species or known as cempaka flowers. Flowers with circular and fragrant petals are also considered as classic perdu plants that symbolize the southern part of the equator. Interested in planting them? This is a type of magnolia plant that can be an ornamental plant at home.

Having the scientific name Magnolia Grandiflora, in Indonesia is known as keliun or keliyun. Unlike cempaka whose petals are arranged in layers, this magnolia keliyun plant flower is spiral-ordered. Uniquely, the flowers are like 'designed' to be invaded by beetles, not bees.

Cantil flowers that have a fragrant aroma when they bloom, named the scientific Magnolia x alba from the genus Magnolia, are still in the same family as the cempaka flower or ceplok glasspiring. This plant tree can be high and the leaves are brewing. botanically, cantil flower is a hybrid or a cross between Magnolia champaca and Magnolia montana. Usually used for ronce decoration, offerings, or placed on the wedding earLINEs in Java.

Lili bukan hanya tanaman bakang, tetapi ada tanaman pohon lili yang dikenal sebagai Yulan Magnolia dengan nama idik Magnolia denudata. Tanaman ini dibudayakan di taman kuji imbgris China sejak tahun 600 AD. Tinis pohonnya agak rendah mencapai tinggi 9 meter. Daunnya oval berwarna terang, kuyu-abu hitam, dan bunanya puti putih. Yang membuat tanaman ini unik dan charming, aromanya seperti orange lemon.

Cempaka Your Majesty has the scientific name Magnolia Figo with white flowers. At first glance, the aroma of the flowers is like a banana. The height of the tree can reach 3-4 meters with beige white flowers. The leaves are textured like wax. This type of magnolia plant can grow in acidic and baseless soil very well.

Magnolia Saucer is a cross between Mangolia Lily and Magnolia Yulan with a tall perdu tree character that has many stems. Launching The Spruce Garden, Monday, September 16, the flowers are white and the inside is red. This type of magnolia plant can grow in an area full of sunlight to partially shady.

Those are the five types of magnolia plants that can be used as plant plants that bloom. Interested in planting them at home?

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