JAKARTA - Taskya Namya is back in a horror film based on a true story entitled Lembayung which became Baim Wong's debut work. In this film, Taskya is trusted to play the character Pika, a student who is currently carrying out Field Work Practice (PKL) at a clinic called Lembayung.

Uniquely, to play the role of Pika, Taskya was not given the opportunity to meet directly with the original figure of Pika character he played. But for Taskya this made it easier for him to explore his acting.

"I feel free, I mean I'm only the most important thing in a Taskya to know that Pika just feels the same as what she experienced. The rest, let me create Pika from myself. Because we have to take care of some privacy from Pika, Arumnya and others like that," said Taskya Namya in an exclusive interview at the VOI office, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

Therefore, Taskya admitted that she was more focused on feeling the experiences and feelings experienced by Pika when she was in a situation that traumatized her.

"So I really put the taste first and the experiences that I instilled in me. So yes, it's after that, I just asked about the discussion," explained Taskya Namya.

Apart from not meeting this Pika native, Taskya also accidentally did research before undergoing the shooting process for the Lembayung film by examining a dentist.

At this moment he admitted to taking advantage of the available time to see in detail the movements of street vendors in dental poly to objects usually used by dentists.

"I accidentally did before reading, I really wanted to clean the dentists like that. So I don't really pay attention to the details, even though there are actually many Pika characters that aren't in the situation in their teeth. But I can know like anything. The important thing is that we are familiar with these things," said Taskya Namya.

Taskya's research itself is also helped by many friends and also his family who do work in this field so that they can explore their character better.

"Then I also asked my friend about the clinic. There is a room that will be in the film like a room. So I also asked what the details are? It could be in the clinic or not and so on," he added.

Even though he often plays in horror films, Taskya Namya admits that he is actually a coward. He said that if he has two fears, namely the fear of a narrow and dark room, it is not surprising that every time there is a move on the set he must ensure that he will always be accompanied.

"I really remember. Every scene, for example, from this room to this room. That's the way, I have to take care of it there and here. So someone has to take care of it in those two places. So someone has to take care of me. To be like a woman, I know how there are people. So I sometimes like to scream. Can someone wait? If no one waits, don't want to move first. Because I'm really that good. And I can't have a narrow room, a dark room. I really can't do that. Except for sleeping, I can't just sleep, "said Taskya Namya.

This fear was not even used as an obstacle for the film player Di Ambang Kematian, he instead took advantage of the fear he felt so that later it could be transmitted to his work audience.

"Then I felt there was an advantage when I remained a coward. It means I'm still like if I see the devil I have to do that. If I'm already numb about ghosts, I'll be confused later. That's why but I'll come back again. But maybe it's reducing me when I watch horror films. So it's more like I'm sorry I'm brave. That's it," he added.

But for this 30-year-old woman, playing in a horror film is enough to change the point of view of horror films. Now, Taskya says that she is no longer afraid to watch horror films after being involved in horror projects several times.

"Then maybe the one who changed me in a horror film. My change when I played a horror film. It was when I watched a horror film. I couldn't be that old. Because I already knew it was a movie," said Taskya Namya.

"But it turns out that I prefer other stories in a horror film like that. For example, what is the drama? What's the conflict? Why did my brain show up? Why did this incident happen? I was even more nervous there. Like a drama hit. Even I can cry with horror films. So maybe that's what I think is fun in the horror because the package is complete," he explained.

This ultimately makes Taskya really appreciate the actors involved in horror films because for him it is not an easy matter to play in horror films where there must be timeliness to stamina that must be issued.

"Horror is that hard by timing, stamina like that. So I really appreciate the people who play in horror films. And I also fit when I jump in I feel like I'm crazy. All my fears are made into one in a horror film. It means like I'm the most afraid to scream. Because I feel my voice is really heavy. So I can't scream, "he continued.

Therefore, he never had a problem when he was invited to play in a horror film during the characters he played differently and gave him a new experience when playing in the film.

When playing horror, I feel maybe people must be him again, he is again, he is again. But what's fun for me when I play all the characters is different. So I have to go back like for example Pika. I've never got a Pika-like. Use a hijab, wear a hijab like that. Then it's like my friendship is rare. Getting a horror but I rarely have that friendship," he said.

"So I think it's really fun when I get different characters in the horror. Because to be honest I've always been asked a few times. 'What kind of movie do you play?', 'Hororor'. Oh my, Ki, you're not bored. It's been a while from something like okay, okay. It's been a long time like you don't know, the horror is that hard, "concluded Taskya Namya.

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