JAKARTA - The heart, the second largest organ in the body, is responsible for many important processes that keep the body healthy. The heart functions to remove all toxins and medicines from the body. The heart also helps break all foods. The heart can regulate cholesterol levels, form proteins, and help absorb fat and store sugar. The liver also helps regulate hormone levels.

Caring for the liver is very important to live healthier. Here are tips to keep it, such as being supported by information from WebMD, Wednesday, September 11.

Alcohol can cause damage to the liver and scar tissue. Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink can reduce liver damage. Stopping alcohol consumption is entirely necessary if your liver is broken.

Not only liquor addicts who have the potential to suffer liver damage. Men who consume four ounces of liquor and women who drink two ounces each day can cause scar tissue to the liver.

Eat balanced foods by avoiding high calorie foods with saturated fats, processed carbohydrates, and sugar. Healthy diets include fiber from fresh fruit and vegetables, whole wheat bread, rice, and crude. Nonfat meat, low fat milk, and fat are an important part of a healthy diet.

As many as 30 percent of Americans were detected as suffering from non-analcoholic liver fat disease. This is caused by the buildup of extra fat in the liver cells, not caused by alcohol. This is a common form of liver disease in children. You can avoid this condition by maintaining a healthy weight. You can achieve healthy weight with proper exercise and a good diet.

Make sure you take the right medication. Eating too many drugs, the wrong types of drugs, or mixing drugs can be harmful. It's important to tell your doctor all the free drugs, supplements, or natural treatments you use. This helps them prevent you from mixing the wrong drugs.

Protect yourself from the virus that causes hepatitis. Hepatitis A, B, and C are the most common viruses. Hepatitis A does not cause long-lasting liver damage. However, hepatitis B and C can cause long-term liver disease to liver cancer. How to protect yourself from hepatitis, among others, by not sharing barbershops, nail scissors, or brushes. Cover the wound on the body. If you want to wear a tattoo, choose a licensed studio.

Poison can also cause your liver to be disturbed. For that, try to stay away from poison as much as possible. Make sure you wash your fruit and vegetables before eating them. Avoid contact with other toxins that can damage your heart.

Be careful when taking herbal medicines and supplements. According to a study, 20 percent of liver damage in the US is caused by supplements. Some supplements are not regulated in the FDA and can contain toxic substances to the liver.

Several studies have shown that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of liver damage and liver cancer. These benefits come to all types of coffee, so you can enjoy whatever you like.

Safety or sexless sex with many couples increases the risk of contracting hepatitis B or C. Maintain the safety of yourself and your partner with contraceptives such as condoms to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

Keep your hands clean by washing with soap and welding it using warm water. Make sure you wash your hands if your hands are in contact with something that is considered unclean or unhygienic.

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