YOGYAKARTA - Recently, Indonesia was being shocked by someone who was sentenced to prison for keeping Javanese hedgehogs in Bali. Now talking about that this time we will discuss the list of protected rare animals that are prohibited from being kept in Indonesia.

Indonesia's biodiversity is number one in the world. Ecosystems spread from Sabang to Merauke have many rare and unique animal species.

Unfortunately, poaching, the loss of natural habitats, and illegal wildlife trade have left many of these animals extinct. Through laws and regulations, the Indonesian government has designated several rare animals as protected and prohibited species to be kept by people.

Types of rare animals that are protected and prohibited from being kept in Indonesia are listed below:

1. Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)

The Sumatran tiger is one of the most threatened types of big cats in the world. The number continues to decrease due to forest destruction and poaching. This species is strictly protected under Law no. 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems. Maintenance of the Sumatran tiger is prohibited because of its critical status and its role as the main predator that maintains natural balance.

2. Orangutan Kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus) and Orangutan Sumatra (Pongo abelii)

Orangutans are primates that are only found in Kalimantan and Sumatra. These two species are threatened by deforestation, especially due to land clearing for oil palm plantations. Illegal hunting and the trade of exotic animals also exacerbated the situation. Maintening orangutans in Indonesia violates the law, because they are registered as nationally and internationally protected species.

3. Cenderawasih bird (Paradisaeidae)

The Cenderawasih bird, often called the "golden", is famous for its beautiful tail and dance during the breeding season. This species only lives in the forests of Papua and parts of Australia. Due to the threat of poaching and trafficking in the hair, this bird is protected by law. Maintenance of Cenderawasih without special permission is prohibited because its population is decreasing.

4. Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus)

The Sumatran elephant is an Asian elephant subspecies threatened by deforestation and conflicts with humans. Their population has drastically decreased, especially in Sumatra, so these elephants are included in the list of protected animals in Indonesia. Maintenance of Sumatran elephants for personal gain without permission is strictly prohibited, considering they need a large habitat and serious protection.

5. Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and Badak Sumatra (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)

The Javan rhinos and Sumatran rhinos are the two rarest and endangered species. The population is very critical, with less than 100 tails in the wild. The Javan rhinos are only found in Ujung Kulon National Park, while the Sumatran rhinos are spread across several parts of Sumatra. Due to their very threatened status, the maintenance or trade in rhinos is strictly prohibited.

6. Javanese Eagles (Nisaetus bartelsi)

The Javan eagle, a bird that is considered a symbol of the country, is now in endangered condition. Wild hunting and the loss of forest habitat make this eagle population continue to decline. As one species that is protected, raising or trading the Javan eagle is an illegal act in Indonesia.

7. Komodo (Varanus Komodoensis)

Komodo, the world's largest lizard that can only be found in certain islands in Indonesia such as Komodo Island and Rinca Island, is also included in protected animals. Maintenance of the Komodo dragon is strictly prohibited because of its vulnerable status, as well as specific habitat needs to maintain its survival.

8. Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua pulphurea)

Yellow Jambul Cockatoo is one of the types of birds that are victims of the wildlife trade. Many of these birds were caught illegally and traded as pets. The population of Jambul Kuning Cockatoos continues to decline, and now this bird is included in the list of protected animals in Indonesia. Maintaining this bird without special permission is an act that violates the law.

The Importance Of Maintaining The Presence Of Rare Animals

Protecting rare animals is not only important to maintain biodiversity, but also to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Each species has an important role in its environment, and the extinction of one species can affect other species and even ecosystems as a whole.

Therefore, Indonesian law strictly prohibits the maintenance of this rare animal. The public is urged to play a role in preserving these rare species by not being involved in illegal trade or the maintenance of rare animals without a permit.

Talking about protected animals, there is evidence that the Maintenance of Javanese Landak and Fish Aligators is being punished in Indonesia.

So after knowing the list of protected rare animals that are prohibited from being kept, watch other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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