JAKARTA - Celebrity Donna Agnesia welcomed the presence of the leader of the world Catholic church and the Vatican Head of State, Pope Francis, to Indonesia on Tuesday, September 3.

Donna shared this expression through uploads on her personal Instagram. In addition, he also hopes that Pope Francis' presence can be a blessing for Indonesia.

"Welcome to Indonesia, Pope Francis' Holy Father. May God bless every activity of the Holy Father while in his beloved homeland," wrote Donna Agnesia, quoted by VOI from Instagram @dagnesia, Wednesday, September 4.

In the upload, Donna showed a photo of herself with Pope Francis' figure which she deliberately took at the Jakarta Cathedral Church in 2021.

"This photo was taken at the Jakarta Cathedral Church in 2021 with Francis' cutting figure pope," explained Donna Agnesia.

Although he had just met a photo of the figure of the Pope, Donna admitted that he was very happy and hoped that one day he would meet the Pope in person.

"Just like this, I'm really happy, let alone meet in person, right?" asked Donna Agensia.

Unfortunately, Donna said that she could not attend the grand mass with Pope Francis which will be held at Gelora Bung Karno on Thursday, September 5 tomorrow.

"Unfortunately I can't go to mass directly with Mr. Holy on the 5th," he said.

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