YOGYAKARTA There are many skincare products with materials formulated to achieve different goals. Well, it turns out that some ingredients in skincare are not allowed to be used in sequence because they can not work effectively to cause certain complaints on the skin, especially facial skin. Therefore, understand the following dermatological recommendations to minimize bad effects on your skin.

Retinoids or retinol, are formulated in skincare to fight aging, get rid of acne, and prevent clogged pores. The heart's intention is to get rid of acne and the scars are twice as fast, but it's a good idea not to mix skincare with retinol with other skincares containing benzoil peroxide.

Bensoil peroxide can disable the effectiveness of retinol work. So, advises dermatologist Brooke Sikora, MD., using skincare contains benzoil peroxide in the morning and skincare with retinol at night. Adding Sikora, there are some skincare that mixes adapalene (retinoid type) with benzoil peroxide, you can see its composition outside of skincare packaging every time you buy a new product.

Vitamin C, usually formulated for skincare products used in the morning. But pay attention to what you need to avoid. Namely using soap-based skin cleaners that have a high pH. While vitamin C has a low pH, so according to dermatologist Leslie Baumann, MD. Reported by EverydayHealth, Monday, September 2, it will lower the ability of skin to absorb this vitamin. This causes the skin to be not well protected from free radicals, because the effectiveness of vitamin C is decreasing. So Baumann's suggestion, in the morning use a salicylic or glycolate-based facial cleaner before applying skincare with vitamin C.

The derivation of vitamin A such as retinol and retinoid and hydroxy alpha acid (AHA) such as glycolate acid, is the main choice for dermatologists. The utility for anti-aging is to accelerate skin cell turnover, increase collagen production for bright skin, and free wrinkles.

But apparently, using more is not always better. Because both of them peel the outer layer of the skin, said Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Dallas. That is, you don't have to choose one of them. He advised patients to use this topical product on different days. Like AHA on Monday, retinoids on Tuesday, and beyond.

Skin cleaners with salicylic acid are recommended to be used in the morning before using a vitamin C serum so that double protection in radicals is free to work effectively. However, salicylic acid if used in sequence with retinoids or retinol can dry up the skin. So if you combine skincare with these two ingredients, it must be used separately. Use those that contain salicylic acid in the morning, and retinoids or retinol at night.

There is no reason to use the same active material in two types of skincare. So, choose only one of them. Because it is clear that Deirdre Situs certified dermatologist, MD., doubling the same active ingredients in two skincare products, can irritate the skin.

Retinoids or retinol must be used wisely. Including avoiding wearing sequentially with vitamin C. The reason is, vitamin C is a material that is difficult to formulate because it is only effective if the environment is with acid pH. Meanwhile, retinol only works at a more base-based pH. So, if you use it in sequence or simultaneously, both of them will not work optimally. This means that you continue to use skincare with retinol at night and vitamin C at a time of sunny sun to protect your skin from UV exposure and pollution.

Is there a sequence of skincare usage with the formula of certain ingredients above that you have? Pay attention to the way it is used appropriately and follow the recommendations above. Unless you have consulted with the dermatologist and skicare that you use specifically to treat your complaints.

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