JAKARTA - Film 2nd Miracle In Cell No. 7 received support from the Minister of Communication and Digital Indonesia, Meutia Hafid by watching it at Pondok Indah Mall 1. According to Minister Meutia, the activity of watching together became a symbol of the government's appreciation for the works that brought moral messages and human values.

Film 2nd Miracle In Cell No. 7, which is a sequel to the first, great success film, continues a touching story about the relationship between father and son in the midst of life trials. On this occasion, Meutia Hafid expressed her views on the film.

"I am very happy if this film can become a family spectacle, so that a close relationship between fellow family members is created. They are busy watching this film," said Meutia Hafid after watching the film, Monday, December 30.

In addition to Indonesian Communications and Digital Services, Mahalini was also present to watch with 2nd Miracle In Cell No 7, with her fans. Mahalini came with her husband, Rizky Febryan.

Mahalini admitted that she cried when I watched 2nd Miracle In Cell Np 7. "I actually watched the first one, so this second, oh my, oh my. So I was really really sad earlier. From the start I didn't expect to be invited to cry. It's usually the movies or the first one watching it, the first one, it's still crying back and forth. This is really from the beginning crying, laughing again, crying, tired, "he added.

Meanwhile, the cast of the film who was also present at this event appreciated the presence of Minister Meutia and Mahalini. "Support from the government means a lot to those of us who play the 2nd Miracle In Cell No. 7. Hopefully this will motivate Indonesian film lovers to watch 2nd Miracle In Cell No 7 in the cinema," said Tora Sudiro.

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