JAKARTA - The news of the relationship breakdown of the famous lawyer Hotma Sitompul and his wife Desiree Tarigan is now a concern. Desiree admitted that she was evicted from the house by Hotma Sitompul, Bams ex-Samsons' godfather.

"Since February 7, I was suddenly evicted without knowing the cause. 'I don't want to see your face here anymore, please get out of here', father said. That same night I returned to my mother's house," Desiree Tarigan said.

However, Hotma Sitompul denied Desiree Tarigan's statement. Through a written statement, Hotma Sitompul emphasized that he had never expelled her and chose to properly resolve his family's problems.

"Responding to the statement from Mrs. Desiree T. Sitompoel and her attorney who basically narrated that it was as if Mr. Hotma P.D. Sitompoel refused to solve his family's problems in a family manner. Mr. Hotma P.D. Sitompoel in principle still wanted to solve all and every existing family problem with Mrs. Desiree T. Sitompoel and return to live side by side as husband and wife," wrote the Hotma Sitompul.

In the midst of news of the breakdown of Hotma Sitompul and Desiree Tarigan's households, the famous lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea is actively filling out his Instagram feed @hotmanparisofficial.

Hotman Paris uploaded a number of posts with the information 'Hotman is not expelling his wife'. Even Hotman Paris uploaded a video when Bams ex Samsons with his mother Desiree Tarigan sang together.

Sweet voice !! Let's pray that this mother can maintain her marriage ... also this boy so that he can save his marriage ark! Oh world: All is beautiful in its time! Previously, when this boy was a top singer, there were parties who took part in appearing on the stage for the popularity of this boy's song!" Hotman Paris said.

Hotman Paris also uploaded a photo with a woman in a pose sitting at the door of a luxury car.

"Temptation comes on its own! Not the fault of Hotman Paris! But Hotman Paris promises not to expel his wife! Butet & Ucok's mom! Sorry Hotman Paris is not good at preaching religion and can't play drama,” said Hotman Paris.

Hopefully Hotman Paris can protect the life partner of 3 children and make their life partner like their own child! Amen! Wish me luck!! (In the photo are 4 lawyers & 1 Land Deed notary/photo of the memories of the new year's night in London)!!,” wrote Hotman Paris in a photo upload with his wife and children.

Mudah mudahan Hotman Paris bisa melindungin pasangan hidup dari 3 anak dan menjadikan pasangan hidup mereka seperti anak sendiri! Amin ! Mohon Doanya!!( Yg di photo 4 pengacara & 1 Notaris PPAT/ photo kenangan malam tagun baru di London)!!,” tulis Hotman Paris dalam unggahan foto bersama istri dan anak-anaknya. 

In another post, Hotman Paris explains many questions from netizens about 'why his wife is always devoted to seeing Hotman Paris' behavior. Hotman Paris often uploads photos with beautiful women.

"Often seen that my married life is affectionate and rich, but try asking the wife whether there are any husband's assets that are recorded in the name of the wife? On the other hand, if Hotman Paris is divorced by his wife, some say Hotman will become "homeless", because every time Hotman buys shophouses and villas, most of them are bought in the name of his wife. Hopefully, a man who obeys religious principles really makes his wife happy in accordance with religious principles that are always echoed," said Hotman Paris.

"Hotman has a religion but not a husband who is too obedient to carry out the rules, that's why Hotman Paris does not dare to use religious slogans on social media. Hotman Paris lives as it is ... Good luck to the wives, a word to husbands: no drama! be real!!,” said Hotman.

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