JAKARTA - For parents who are busy, preparing healthy provisions can be a challenge in itself, but there are practical solutions that can be applied, such as preparing provisions from night or choosing a simple but nutritious menu.

For example, cooking eggs, vegetables that have been cut, or using healthy frozen foods that can save time without sacrificing the nutritional quality of children.

Nutrition of nutritious and appetizing food has an important role in supporting children's growth and development. Nutritionist Esti Nurwanti emphasized that irregularities in providing nutritious food can have a negative impact on children's nutritional status.

"When children do not get important nutritional intake such as protein, fiber, and vitamins, physical growth and brain development can be hampered. In addition, children who often eat high sugar and saturated fat foods are also at risk of obesity or even malnutrition due to an essential malnutrition," said Nutritionist who graduated from Gajah Mada University, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, August 22.

Even worse, the habit of consuming snacks containing preservatives and artificial dyes can increase the risk of long-term diseases such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders.

To ensure that the child's provision remains nutritious and appetizing, it is important to pay attention to the composition of balanced nutrition that contains complex carbohydrates, quality protein, healthy fats, and adequate vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates from brown rice, wheat bread, or potatoes provide sustainable energy. Meanwhile, protein from eggs, chickens, or tofu helps muscle and brain development.

"Don't forget the healthy fats from avocados or nuts, as well as the intake of vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fresh fruit. So that children don't get bored, the variations in taste and texture also need to be considered which can be done by combining natural sweet tastes from fruits, ferries from protein, and crunchy from fresh vegetables can make the provisions more attractive," he said.

For example, guaranteed boiled broccoli can be juxtaposed with soft mini eggs. An attractive provision display can also increase children's appetite.

The use of natural colors from vegetables and fruit, as well as forming food into funny characters, can be a trick to make children interested in eating their provisions.

Some examples of provision menus that can be an inspiration include rolled rice with chicken and vegetables, miniarished eggs with vegetables, as well as fresh fruit pieces such as strawberries and wine.

Healthy snacks such as cheese or almonds can also be added to complement nutritional intake.

However, in the midst of daily busyness, many parents do not have time to prepare nutritious supplies due to limited time or work demands. As a result, children consume foods that are malnourished more often, such as fast food and sweet snacks.

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