YOGYAKARTA People who are superior or superior complex, have excessive confidence. As a result, others view others as lower or demeaning, according to licensed mental health counselor Hailey Shafir, M.ED., LCMHCS., LCAS., CCS. This term was stated in the early 20th century by psychologist Alfred Adler. He believes this superior feeling of hiding low self-esteem, feeling unable, or feeling unable to feel good enough.

Obviously Shafir further, complex superiority is usually a defense mechanism of insecurity, shame, and inability. So by degrading other people, this feeling of inferiority is covered. Well, to recognize the signs of people being superior, here's the list.

A sense of superior is characterized by forcing other people to do what they want, explains counseling psychologist and psychotherapist Shagoon Maurya as reported by the mggrelationship, Thursday, August 22. If someone refuses, they may respond aggressively because they feel challenged.

Proud to have advantages and skills, it may be natural. But believing yourself to be superior and boasting to take control, is a sign of superior attitude.

Touching is certainly annoying, especially regarding potentials that can push towards achieving goals. But for someone with a superior attitude, it will be intensely angry when ignored. This is because superior people need recognition or are happy to be recognized as great people.

The inability to accept criticism or suggestions is a sign that a person is superior. Even though criticism and suggestions can be constructive. Arrogance and being, makes it difficult for superior people to make accurate corrections or self-assessment.

Intuitively, those who face a sense of superiority often have an underlying feeling of inferiority which is actually the core of their behavior. Often there are deep feelings of inferiority and pain that seem to never disappear.

Complex superiority is not a clinical diagnosis of mental health. But theoretically it can be treated through therapy. According to assistant professors of the Department of Human Relations, Oklahoma University, superiors often feel entitled to attention, love, and recognition. Usually associated with skills or traits they believe are more valuable than others.

In addition to recognizing signs of people being superior, it is important to understand the cause. Mosley explained that there is no single root cause of a person developing superiority. Childhood experience, especially parenting patterns from parents, plays an important role in shaping a person.

At the age of 5-12 years, they began to seek validation. This is a normal development stage they go through. But it requires careful navigation, because during this development period it is most commonly related to the formation of a child's initial identity disruption.

"For example, a child [may] experience trauma related to their ability to draw well, and other children or caregivers laugh at the child's artistic skills. While some children may overcome this by pulling away, other children may develop excessive self-confidence to compensate for feelings of inferiority," Mosley explained.

Through this picture, a child can develop superior attitudes as a way to provide space for validation for himself. Some are called 'golden children'. There are also those who receive a lot of praise for their achievements. But there are also those who do not get validation for what they do.

Dealing with people who are superior, requires a little patience and empathy. Of course, it's like having a tough task when they have to face arrogant, arrogant, and need recognition. But Mosley's message, in addition to patience and empathy, tries not to support superior grand vision about themselves. Tell them what they really are good at. Balance performance and skills accurately. Mosley's advice as a cover, a superior person is not someone who should be shunned. Get to know the right way so you can still move and work together to build a healthy relationship.

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