YOGYAKARTA In simple terms, self-reliance is independence. Without expecting anyone to help, one can become a tough person with independence. According to Christopher Bergland, author of The Athletes Way: Training Your Mind and Body to Experience the Joy of Exercise and The Athletes Way: Sweat and the Biology ofbanis, in the face of crisis or despair, one can reverse the situation. Namely by having self-reliance that can be built in the following way.

When you feel tired, sick and depressed, your daily duties feel very heavy. But if you dedicate yourself to staying healthy, strength and stamina can build self-reliance or independence. How to stay healthy can certainly be done by eating healthy foods, exercising, having healthy relationships with people around you, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.

The body is designed to work hard physically. But of course in the right portion. However, not moving much also creates problems for health, both physically and mentally. That is, it is very important to have regular activities. Something that is done routinely will keep the mind healthy, the body healthy, and become independent. Well, if you don't move regularly, or physically active, the body will slowly deteriorate, be fragile, and have no choice but to depend on other people.

Having a routine, hope, or something you want to achieve certainly needs to be committed. Commitment is strengthened by a positive mindset, perseverance, and habit. So a never give up attitude is a mental toughness that needs to be possessed.

Being realistic is one way to live according to your abilities. Try to leave money to save, allocate priority needs first, and stay simple. Everyone knows that money can't buy happiness. According to Bergland as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, August 14, life according to the ability to open up the possibility of being more free and happy.

Seld-relieance or independence does not mean that you don't need anyone else. Because humans as social beings, still need interaction with others. So in addition to maintaining health, having financial security, it is also important to maintain close ties with others. It is important to understand, maintain close relationships with other people in need of effort. You need to interact in a healthy manner, respect each other, support each other, and share small concerns. All of that, it is important as a foundation for creating independence.

Those are the five ways to build self-reliance. Changing habits certainly requires adaptation or more efforts. But as long as you don't run out of motivation and stay committed, independence will make life easier in the future.

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