JAKARTA - For many adults, factors such as stress can cause trouble sleeping. Meditation, such as body scanning, can help improve sleep quality. Here are three ways to practice dwindling information fromHealthline, Monday, August 12.

Mindful meditation or mindfulness meditation involves a center of attention today. This meditation is done by increasing your awareness of your consciousness, breathing, and body. If you are aware of thoughts or emotions, just observe. Then let it pass without judging yourself.

How to do mindfulness meditation

Guided meditation is when other people guide you through every step of meditation. They may ask you to breathe or relax your body in a certain way. Or, they may ask you to visualize images or sounds. This technique is also known as guided imagination. While sleeping, you can listen to the recording of guided meditation.

How to do guided meditation

In body scanning meditation, you focus on every part of your body. The goal is to raise awareness of your physical sensations, including tension and pain. Actions focus on increasing relaxation, which can help you sleep.

How to do body scan meditation

During meditation, various physiological changes occur that affect certain processes in the body, triggering sound sleep. In the 2018 meta-analysis of 18 trials, the researchers found moderate evidence that mindfulness meditation intervention significantly improves sleep quality, even on a 5 to 12 month follow-up.

According to the researchers, meditation has a calming effect on the body. Meditation can reduce thinking and emotional reactivity, which, when combined, can help sleep.

Meditation can also:

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