YOGYAKARTA Hemorrhoids are blood vessels in the anus or rectum that are inflamed and swollen. Usually recognized with symptoms such as itching, pain, and bleeding. However, some people who experience hemorrhoids do not have any symptoms at all. Hemorrhoids can be very disturbing, as well as causing constipation.

If someone suffers from hemorrhoids, bowel movements may feel very painful. This encourages the person to ignore the desire to urinate. It is important to know that holding bowel movements will make it harder and harder to remove. Factors that can make hemorrhoids worse, is a less fibered diet that causes constipation. Convoluted can also occur when experiencing hemorrhoids because the anus is clogged. Well, like a dark alley is not over, hemorrhoids can cause constipation and can be the other way around. When someone strains hard because of constipation, it can increase the risk of hemorrhoids.

How to treat constipation and hemorrhoids, actually only by changing your lifestyle and diet. The goal is to make defecating easier and not cause pain and straining hard. Meanwhile, isir prevention methods that can cause constipation, among others, are the following:

Ideally, defecating is not difficult and defecating is easy to release without having to strain hard. So avoid the desire to strain. In addition, avoid sitting in the toilet for a long time.

Not getting enough water during the day, or during productive hours, makes it harder and clots. So, make sure you drink enough water so that it can help soften your shot.

Increasing food intake that contains soluble fiber can make it softer. Fiber supplements may also be useful for preventing hemorrhoids and constipation. But supplements should be added slowly and with the advice of nutritionists or health care providers.

Not moving much, can cause constipation. You can keep moving by allocating 45 minutes a day. For example, by taking a walk to the park or doing other types of sports.

Hemorrhoids can be treated by taking drugs that are sold freely at pharmacies. You can buy them without a doctor's prescription. But this drug only helps reduce symptoms, such as swelling and itching. Some of them may relieve pain. Launching VerywellHealth, Friday, August 9, bathing or bathing in a shallow bath can also help overcome the swelling of hemorrhoids that cause constipation. This can also be the opposite, helping to overcome constipation that results in hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids.

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