YOGYAKARTA Cooking rice using a rice cooker is easy to do. The process needed is fast. Unfortunately, cooking using this tool sometimes makes rice more stale. This condition occurs because many factors such as less clean rice, the water used is contaminated with bacteria, and so on. To avoid this, there are several ways to cook rice so that it doesn't get stale even though it uses a rice cooker.

So that rice does not get stale easily, before cooking there are several things that need to be considered, namely as follows.

Nasi yang cepat basah juga bisa disebabkan karena kualitas beras yang kurang baik. Kualitas beras bawah biasanya berwarna berbeling berkurang dan disertai amphi. Selain itu kadang terdapat campuran organic lain seperti kulit beras dan sebagainya.

Make sure the riskooker is clean and dry. Do not accumulate used dry rice with new rice because this habit will make new rice rot quickly. Clean the ricecooker cassava with soap and then dry it.

It is recommended to wash the rice until it is completely clean with clear water. You do this by submerging the rice in the cassava and then the rice and water are dredged or the rice is crushed, after that you defecate. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times. After that, just soak the rice with water to cook.

The excessive water dose will make the rice softer and more stale. Therefore, it is important to be able to determine the dose of water cooking rice so that it is curt.

Other organic ingredients can be a way out so that rice doesn't get stale quickly. How to add it is very easy, just enter one of the ingredients below before the cooking process is carried out. Daftr ingredients that can be mixed are as follows.

Taking rice usually uses centong. Make sure the centong is clean so that there is no contamality in the rice. Contamination caused by bacteria in the dirty centong will make rice stale quickly.

Don't immediately mix the cooked rice because when this condition is still a lot of water from the rice evaporation. The rice vapor will trigger stalemer faster. You can silence rice for 10 minutes after cooked.

After the rice is silenced for a moment, complain to the rice so that the water content really evaporates perfectly. This swab must be removed so as not to wet the rice so that it becomes stale quickly.

After taking rice, make sure the riskooker is perfectly closed. Open gaps from the cover of the riskooker can be the path of insects or other contamination into the cassava.

Those are some ways to cook rice so it's not easy to stale. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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