YOGYAKARTA Batik jumputan or batik ikat bagis batik yang proses pembuatannya tidak melibatkan malam atau kulin perintang warna. Cara membuat batik jumputan cukup unik, dimulai dengan mengungkat-segung beberapa bagian kain, kemudian dipimpur pada perwarna pakaian.

The process of making it that is binding and bagging a cloth can produce a unique and beautiful motif.

The technique of giving motifs to cloth by way of levy (bounds and bags) is thought to have come from China. Known as tie dye, this technique then developed to India and its spread extends to Africa and also Southeast Asia. In some relics, the bundle bag technique has been used in the Tang Dynasty in the sixth century.

Initially, the motifs produced by traditional batik jumputan were very simple. For example, floral, stone, and grain motifs. Over time, the motives generated through jumputan techniques are more varied.

So, how to make a jumputan batik? Let's look at the full information below.

Before making batik using the ikat bag or jumputan method, make sure that all the materials and equipment needed are available and in good condition.

Some of the tools needed to make batik jumputan include:

If the ingredients above are ready, you can follow the way to make the following jumputan batik.

Please note, how to make batik jumputan divided into three stages. The first stage is coloring. The steps, namely:

The second stage is coloring. To color the pattern of jumputan that has been created, here are the things you need to do:

The third stage is drying. This process begins with:

That's the information on how to make jumputan batik. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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