YOGYAKARTA Contraction is a sign that pregnancy is approaching delivery time. Contractions can cause discomfort in pregnant women, such as stomach cramps, bloating stomachs, and pain that spreads throughout the stomach. Fortunately, this pain can be reduced in intensity by applying the right sleeping position. So, what is the sleeping position during contraction?

This article will discuss sleeping positions that can reduce discomfort due to contraction. Summarized from various sources, Sunday, July 7, 2024, here is the full information.

Before discussing further about sleeping position during contraction, you need to first know what contraction is.

Quoted from AI-Care, contraction is a condition in which the uterine muscles hold for a few moments, then relax again. Contractions generally become a sign of childbirth, especially if the gestational age is approaching the delivery date.

Several sleeping positions that are recommended to reduce comfort due to contractions include:

1. Tilt to the left

During the pregnancy period of nine months, pregnant women are advised to sleep tilted to the left. This sleeping position allows optimal blood flow from the Inferior Cava veins (a large blood vessel) to the heart and baby.

In addition, sleeping on the left side can also reduce pressure on the liver and kidneys, provide more space to function properly and help reduce the discomfort caused by contractions, such as stomach cramps, bloating stomachs, and pain that spread throughout the stomach.

2. Lie down with the pillow

Pregnant women who sleep in oblique positions are also advised to put pillows on their backs so that they can support their enlarged stomach. In addition to reducing pain due to contraction, this position also increases comfort during sleep.

Pregnant women can also put pillows between the legs. Aligned sleep using pillows can also facilitate the delivery process.

3. Sleep menungging

The position of sleep during the next contraction is'sleeping'. Related to this, pregnant women can take the position of prostration while bending the lucus. This sleeping position is similar to that of a child's pose yoga movement.

This sleeping position is highly recommended because it helps provide space for babies to move, and can remove the bloating stomach due to contraction.

When pregnant and often contracting, pregnant women are not allowed to sleep on their backs. This sleeping position can make the intestines and blood vessels that drain blood from and to the heart depressed by the uterus.

In a study published in the 2017 Journal of Physiology, teletang sleep during the third trimester can cause blood flow to the fetus to decrease significantly. The bad effects, the fetus can die in the womb.

In addition, the habit of sleeping on the back during pregnancy also increases the risk of digestive disorders such as constipation and ambeien.

Another sleeping position that pregnant women need to avoid is sleeping face down. This sleeping position can also interfere with the blood flow of fetal mothers and can cause symptoms of dizziness and nausea.

That's information about sleeping position during contraction. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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