JAKARTA - Tengku Dewi was finally present at the divorce trial with her husband, Andrew Andika, which was held at the Cibinong Religious Court, West Java today, Thursday, July 4.

Tengku Dewi said that her presence this time was to fulfill the summons from the panel of judges after previously being absent twice.

"Thank God the trial went smoothly even though it was raining today but everything went well and indeed I was required to come so as a good citizen, I was present," said Tengku Dewi at the Cibinong Religious Court, West Java, Thursday, July 4.

In this trial, Tengku Dewi's lawyer, Tiara Octavia, explained that her client had filed a lawsuit regarding the living of her two children to Andrew.

Tiara said that Tengku Dewi demanded a living of Rp. 20 million for two children every month.

"Mr. Dewi's income is asking for Rp. 20,000,000 per month. For 2 children. The same is true in the womb," explained Tiara.

Furthermore, Tengku Dewi himself said that he did not expect to be supported by Andrew Andika after officially divorcing because he felt he could make his own money.

"I didn't expect it because I could make my own money because it just made it easier," added Tengku Dewi.

So far, Tengku Dewi said that he and Andrew are still communicating but through a third party regarding their child, Eshan Rayn Fischer.

"If you communicate about children every day but through a third person. So if you ask Eshan today what he wants to do, it's not about us being discussed," he said.

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