YOGYAKARTA If you are planning to regularly undergo a fitness program, it is better to measure how fit and healthy your body is first. The reason is, tracking the level of fitness and body health is the basis for progress. After knowing the starting point, you can plan where you are going. So, what needs to be measured is related to a fit and healthy body? This is a list that you have to check.

Aerobic fitness is related to heart rate during rest. This can be done by checking the pulse in the carotic arteries. Of course you need equipment to find out. Like using a smartwatch or band watch that reports every time you finish doing aerobic activity.

A heart rate during rest is a measure of health and heart fitness. For most adults, a healthy heart rate is between 60-100 beats per minute. It can also be done with manual measurements to check the pulse. Namely by placing two days between the bones and the tendons above the blood vessels present on the side of the wrist's thumb. This section is filled with radial arteries.

Measure the pulse for 15 seconds and multiply four to find out the heartbeat per minute. For example, you calculate a pulse of 20 beats for 15 seconds. Then multiply four, thus getting a total of 80 beats per minute.

To measure muscle fitness, it can be done with push-up exercises. This exercise helps you measure your strength and endurance. A fit and fit body can do push-ups 19-21 times at the age of 35 years. Calculations are decreasing according to age and are getting older when younger. This calculation is also based on gender. In women aged 35 years, it is classified as having a fit body if you can push-up up to 19 counts and in men 21 times.

The waist circle is related to body composition. If the waist size is greater than the lead then you carry more weight on your hips. This means it has a high risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The risk will be greater for women with a waist size of 89 centimeters or more. For men, the risk is higher if the waist size is 102 centimeters or more.

The body mass index, known as BMI (Body mass index) shows whether you have a healthy amount of body fat or not. You can find out BMI with an online table or calculator by including weight, height, and age. Normal BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9. For those of you who have BMI above 25.0, including obesity while BMI is above 30 including obesity.

The sedentary lifestyle tends to be lazy to move or not much physical activity, has a big impact on health and body fitness. For this reason, it is very important to keep exercising regularly. Launching the Mayo Clinic, Monday, July 1, aerobic activity is at least 150 minutes with moderate intensity. For severe aerobics, at least 75 minutes per week.

You can also combine aerobic sports and strength training. Strength exercises are carried out at least twice a week with a load according to the level of resistance for muscle fatigue as much as 12-15 repetition. These exercises can be combined with swimming, tennis, walking at good speed, cycling on flat ground, or even gardening at home.

Checking how fit and healthy your body is, it needs to be done regularly. The goal is to continue to monitor and carry out program plans for the advancement of your training or exercise.

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