JAKARTA - Elderly people with dekubitus wounds need more intensive care than the elderly who do not have skin problems. The ratio of decubitus injuries in Indonesia is higher than other countries in ASEAN, which reaches 33%.

This makes the wound of decubitus one of the social issues in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia has now entered the era of aging population, where the number of elderly people in Indonesia reached 11.75% and it is predicted that it will continue to increase to reach 20% of the total population of Indonesia in 2045.

This is certainly one of the challenges in fulfilling the long-term treatment of the elderly. dr. Nida Rohmawati, MPH as Director of Productive and Elderly Age Health at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia said, coinciding with the commemoration of National Elderly Day 2024 today with the theme Health Healthy and Powerful for Golden Indonesia emphasizes the importance of the role of families and health workers in the care of the elderly, especially those who require long-term care for decubit prevention.

"Lansia with limited condition of baring lead has a higher risk of developing decubitus wounds due to pressure on the same body area over a long period of time. This can be exacerbated if using diapers with poor air circulation, because the skin becomes stuffy and prone to irritation. Therefore, diapers whose air circulation is good are effective to prevent decubitus wounds," said Lalu related to the risk of dequbitus wounds, dr. Rinadewi Astriningrum Sp.D.V.E., Subsp.D.A from KSDGI.

"Lansia is prone to decubit wounds if they remain in the same body position for a long time because blood circulation is hampered, so it is important to change the body's position periodically. In addition, choosing diapers that have good air circulation, as well as washing the skin around the area of decubit wounds with warm water slowly is no less important. We hope that through today's press conference, we can educate more nurses regarding how to treat true denutious wounds," said Jajang Rahmat Solihin, M.Kep.Kep Kom as Chair of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) DKI Jakarta.

As an alternative to overcome dekubitus wounds, the Government, producers and academics conducted research with the Clinical Research Supporting Unit (CRSU-FKUI) which produced Lifree products launching the first and only adult diapers in Indonesia with 100% breathable materials, namely Lifree Popok Perekat.

DecUBtious wounds have become one of the social problems in Indonesia. This is evident from the results of our research, where consumer needs for diapers that do not cause a fairly high rash. Therefore, continuing efforts in 2023 by conducting joint research with CRSU-FKUI towards (0) zero decubit wounds, coinciding with National Elderly Day this year, we launched an updated Lifree Popok Reservoir, first and only in Indonesia using 100% breathable material. Lifree Diapers with good air circulation, preventing skin irritation and moist skin. We are determined to continue to support the lives of diapers and nurses users, as well as their healthy and happy families, "said President Director of PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk Takumi Terakawa.

From the results of our internal testing, Lifree Popok Perekat has proven to reduce skin moisture in the area around the stomach (moisture skin) by 25% compared to using regular sticking diapers made from vinyl (left graffiti below). Then the humidity (humidity) in the diapers also improves 23% compared to regular adhesive diapers (right graffiti below).

The Popok that has been used for air circulation is not good, so the patient's family has to buy controls to deal with itching and rashes. Even so, the skin problems experienced by consumers are not resolved. Lifree Diapers with 100% breathable material can reduce skin problems and treatment burdens, for example, the patient's family no longer has to buy skin care drugs, reduced treatment burdens and the patient's quality of life increases," said Doctor Eva Suryani, M.D., Psychiatrist as Director of Education & Research at Atmajaya Hospital.

As an elderly person, Titiek Puspa has enjoyed the results. Lifree Popok Perekat yang baru dengan 100% bahan breathable, selain anti leak juga circulation bagus sehingga tidak lembung, dan terasa lebih aden saat digunakan," katanya.

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