YOGYAKARTA - Laying chicken cultivation is one of the promising business opportunities. To start with, you need to prepare a cage to raise the chickens. If you intend to do this business, you must know tips for making laying hens.

The construction of laying hens must pay attention to a number of factors so that their cultivation goes well. The condition of the cage greatly affects the health of the chicken and its productivity in producing quality eggs. In addition, assembling chicken coops in the right way also makes it easier for you to maintain.

Some people still hesitate to start the laying chicken business because they imagine the complex construction of the cage. Even though this type of chicken cultivation can be started on a small scale with a home cage. So how to make laying hens.

There are various types of laying hens that you can make. If you want to make a simple cage, you can build a battery-model chicken coop. Making this chicken coop is the easiest compared to other types of cages.

The process of making laying hens is carried out in several stages. The first step that must be taken is to prepare materials and equipment to assemble them. Follow the tips for making laying hens so that they are not confused:

In the process of making laying hens, you need various carpentry equipment such as saws, hammers, measuring tools, amps, and nails. In addition, you also need gloves for safety when making cages.

Once all the equipment is available, then prepare the ingredients. You need to provide wood blocks measuring 2x4 cm and sufficient bamboo. In addition, you also need to prepare materials for water and heat-resistant roofs, such as zinc, tiles, or ijuk. For walls, you can use woven bamboo or plywood.

In making battery cages, you need to make barriers that separate chickens from each other. These cages can be made in various sizes up to very large and graded. While the ideal cage height is about 1 to 2 meters. This size aims to control air quality and reduce ammonia from chicken droppings.

If you create a prisma-shaped cage design like a stage, the chicken droppings will fall directly down the cage and are easier to clean. When making the cage three levels, make sure each level shifts to the side so that the dirt does not fall on the chicken below.

Create a framework with a minimum foot height of 10 cm, unless you want to build a cage without a floor. The number of legs is adjusted to the length of the cage. The longer the cage, the more legs are needed.

The height of the skeleton must also include space to accommodate chicken droppings, especially if you build a graded chicken coop with battery type. In addition, the space for the roof installation also needs to be taken into account. When making a skeleton, place the shortest side of the wooden block below for the length of the cage so that the wood does not curve easily.

The next step is to make the floor first. Because it functions as a support, choose strong materials such as bamboo. You can use small or medium-sized bamboo without split.

Use sandpaper to smooth the bamboo surface before it is attached to the framework so that it is safe and does not injure the chicken's feet. When making floors, give a little cavity or don't arrange bamboo too tightly so that chicken droppings can fall down easily. So that the floor is stronger, you can install a wooden block in the middle of the bamboo floor.

You can choose the best material to make a cage wall, it can be bamboo or wire. If the bamboo you have is limited, use a wire ram as an alternative. If you use bamboo, start by dividing the bamboo into several parts with a width of 2-3 cm.

Cut the bamboo according to the length needed. Distribute the bamboo with an amplas, then a nail to the skeleton. For the front wall, don't forget to make the door. The material used to make the door leaves can use wire or bamboo, while the skeleton can be made of wood.

Next you need to install a roof that is tilted to one side. Make sure the front is higher than the back. Do not make the roof of the same size exactly as the skeleton. Because this will not protect the cage optimally, especially when it rains. It is better if each side of the roof is made longer at least 30 cm from the skeleton.

Those are tips for making laying hens easily and simply. You can apply this step if you intend to start the laying hens cultivation business on a small scale first. Also read how village chicken farming and sell it.

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