YOGYAKARTA 3R Waste Management (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) is one of the methods to keep the environment clean and healthy. If established, this principle can reduce the amount of waste produced by households.

Based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), throughout 2023 there were around 19.56 million tons of waste produced by Indonesia. From the available data on 96 regencies/cities of waste, the majority or 39.1 percent are waste or household waste.

This figure shows the low awareness of recycling waste at the family level. In fact, the type of household waste can be easily processed using the 3R method.

Well, this article will discuss the concept of 3R waste management. Check out the full explanation below.

It has been mentioned that 3R is an acronym for reduce, reuse, and recycle. These three components are very important in managing waste and environmental conservation.

Summarized from various sources, the following is an explanation of each 3R component in the concept of waste management.

1. Reduce (reduce)

In managing household waste, reduce can be interpreted as reducing the amount of household waste that cannot be recycled.

Kosep reduce can be done and applied to disposable waste or products, such as shopping plastic bags that have been banned in various locations, such as DKI Jakarta. Waste that is the main target for reduce is plastic waste.

Reduce is the first stage that must be done, because if single-use waste can be suppressed, then there is no need to go to the next stage, namely reuse and recycle.

As for examples of reductive habits that can be done at home, including:

2. Reuse (reuse)

The second 3R waste management concept is reuse which means reusing materials that can still be used to suppress waste.

For example, by using groceries that are no longer used as trash bins or making groceries from other used materials such as clothes or pants that are no longer worn.

The application of the reuse concept in terms of waste management can reduce the amount of waste produced by households, as well as reduce the use of new natural resources.

In addition, the application of the reuse concept can also minimize the bad effects on the environment.

Examples of reuse habits that can be applied at home such as:

3. Reccycle (recycle)

The last 3R waste management concept is recycle which means recycling. The application of this concept is intended to reprocess waste into reusable materials.

You can do this by sorting waste and processing it into raw materials that can be reused.

Some examples of recycling or recycling waste that can be done at home, namely:

That's information about 3R waste management. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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