YOGYAKARTA - Walnuts are one of the types of birds that many people love. Male canaries are more targeted because they have more varied tweets. However, some people still find it difficult to recognize the differences between male and female walnuts.

Many bird lovers are interested in raising walnuts because of their melodious sounds and various tweets. These birds can be treated as regular pets or trained for the kicau competition. In addition to their attractive sounds, these birds also have a small shape with beautiful colors.

Before buying and raising walnuts, bird lovers certainly need to recognize the characteristics between the male and the female. So how to easily distinguish the male and female walnuts?

Actually, how to distinguish male and female walnuts is quite easy to see from a certain physical, behavioral, and characteristic perspective. By recognizing the differences between the two, you can choose a walnut that suits your needs and performs better treatment.

Birds lovers certainly already know the striking difference between male and female walnuts is from the ability of their tweets and egg production. Bulang canaries generally make tweets that are more rhythmic and varied. While female walnuts excel in producing eggs.

Male walnuts are usually purchased for the needs of the kicau contest or just want to hear their melodious voice at home. While female walnuts are chosen for people who want to raise or produce these bird eggs.

For ordinary people or beginners, distinguishing birds of the sex may be quite difficult. For those of you who intend to buy or raise this type of bird, give me some differences between male and female walnuts:

Male Walnuts have a voice that is more loud and shrill than females. Usually the sound is hoarsier and the duration is longer. However, not all male walnuts have similar sounds because it depends on the type and quality of each bird.

Distinguishing male and female walnuts from only badminton is often difficult. However, some types of walnuts such as border walnuts and gloster walnuts show a clear color difference between males and females. In male border walnuts, the orange color on the chest is brighter than that of females. While in male gloster walnuts, the orange color on the crown and cheeks is clearer and in contrast.

One way to distinguish male and female walnuts is to look at the size of the body. Male dances are generally bigger and heavier than females, weighing about 10-15% heavier. However, this difference may be difficult to see in young walnuts.

Male canions usually have a slightly longer and sleeker body than females. The male head is also bigger and round, while the female has a slimmer and smaller head. This difference is more clearly seen in adult walnuts.

Male canions tend to be more active and aggressive than females. They often make loud sounds and like to scream. Male also prefers to play and fight, while females tend to be calmer and prefer to stay in the nest.

In addition to the number of differences above, how to distinguish male and female walnuts can also be seen from their physical characteristics. Here are some things you can note to distinguish female and male walnuts:

Male and female walnut urinary channels have different shapes. In male walnuts, urinary tracts are round and large. As for females, long and smaller urinary tracts. You can check them by gently holding the bird and unfurling the base of the tail to see the differences in the urinary tract.

The ring in the walnut's leg can show its gender. Generally, the ring in the male walnut's leg is darker and wider than that of the female. However, this is not always accurate because some types of walnuts do not show the difference in the foot rings between males and females.

Another easy way to distinguish a male and female walnut is to look at its stomach. In a male walnut, the stomach looks flatter. While in the female, the stomach is slightly swollen and looks rounder due to the presence of an ovaries that can grow.

Male Walnuts tend to have longer and thicker fur in the head, neck, and tail than females. This condition is caused by the testosterone hormone produced by male walnuts that affects the growth of hair in certain parts of the body.

Those are some of the differences between female and male walnuts that bird fans need to understand. If you are looking for birds for tweets, you should choose a male walnut. But if you want to cultivate or produce eggs, then choose a female walnut. Also read the types of birds that can be trained.

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