YOGYAKARTA - Village chicken eggs are called special food because they have various health benefits. In addition to cooking as usual by frying or boiling, this type of egg is also often processed in certain forms of food or drink.

There are various benefits of raw chicken eggs that can be felt by people who consume them. Raw chicken eggs still store rich nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, healthy fats, and minerals. That's why not a few people like to eat eggs rawly or without cooking first.

Although this egg has various benefits, it should also be remembered that consuming it can also pose a risk to health. So what are the benefits of raw chicken eggs that contain good content in it?

In a single chicken egg in the village, there are various nutritional ingredients. That is why this egg is referred to as a source of food that is very beneficial for health. Nutritions in this egg play an important role in maintaining and increasing body function.

The following are a variety of nutrients contained in raw chicken eggs for you to know:

Raw chicken eggs can provide a number of benefits due to the diverse nutritional content. These food ingredients can be a good intake for the health of the body. But besides that, these eggs can also carry dangerous bacteria such as salmonella. So make sure to have healthy or quality eggs.

Here are some of the essential health benefits of raw chicken eggs for you to know:

Raw chicken eggs contain abundant klin. Nutrition plays an important role in fat metabolism and liver function. Kolin is known to reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing a buildup of fat in the liver and arteries.

Overall, the content of healthy and kolin fat in raw chicken eggs contributes to heart health. Consumption of raw chicken eggs in sufficient quantities or naturally can help reduce the risk of heart disease and improve heart health.

Raw chicken eggs are a source of calcium and vitamin D which is rich. The content functions to strengthen the condition of bone and teeth. Calcium is the main mineral that forms bones and teeth to provide strength and density. Vitamin D helps the body in calcium absorption and maintains bone health.

Raw chicken eggs are a rich source of coline and omega-3 fatty acids. Kolin plays a role in the production of acetylcholine, neurotransmitters related to memory, learning, and other cognitive functions. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, are also essential for optimal development and brain function.

Raw chicken eggs contain biotins and proteins that are important for the health of the skin and hair. Biotin strengthens the keratin structure, proteins found in the skin, hair, and nails. Protein provides amino acids that form the basic ingredients for structural proteins such as collagen and keratin in the skin and hair.

Raw chicken eggs also contain antioxidants and selenium. These two ingredients help improve the immune system. Antioxidants can protect body cells from damage because they are caused by free radicals. Selenium works to produce immune cells.

Raw chicken eggs are a good energy source because they contain calories and fat. Kalori provides the energy the body needs for daily activities, while fat provides energy reserves that can be used when needed.

The calorie and fat content in raw chicken eggs is filling and helps maintain the stability of blood sugar levels. Consuming raw chicken eggs regularly can increase energy levels and reduce fatigue, so that it is beneficial for people who are physically active or have a busy lifestyle.

Those are the various benefits of raw chicken eggs that are interesting to know. But keep in mind also that these eggs also contain cholesterol and the risk of harmful bacteria. So if you want to consume it, make sure to get quality eggs or the condition is guaranteed to be good. Also read the characteristics of good chicken eggs.

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