JAKARTA - Celery leaves, which have a fresh aroma, are often used as garnishes or fresh vegetables. It turns out that this plant, with the Latin name Apium graveolens L., has been widely reviewed as a way to lower high blood pressure.

Is it true and how does it work to effectively stabilize blood pressure?

Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic, Tuesday, March 16, celery leaves have been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Especially treatment to reduce hypertension. Finally, the efficacy of celery leaves has been clinically tested in a number of studies.

Celery leaf extract was tested on mice in the laboratory and can significantly lower blood pressure. The study was conducted in 2016 and explained that consuming celery leaves can make blood pressure more stable.

The five ingredients in a celery are revealed in the study. This content is able to regulate blood circulation, smooth and reduce high blood pressure. These contents include the following:


Phthalides are classified as phytochemicals that can relax artery walls. The positive effect can improve flow and reduce blood pressure. Doctor Luke Laffin, MD. from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine recommends the amount and how to use the properties of celery leaves.

"To get the benefits, you have to eat about four sticks-one cup, chopped celery every day," explained Doctor Laffin.

Magnesium and iron

Reporting from Medical News Today, celery contains minerals, namely magnesium and iron. Both can cleanse and get rid of excess body fat. Plus, celery can also prevent inflammation of blood vessels.


More specifically, phytosterols can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Not only saturated fats, but celery is also good for maintaining the heart.

seledri untuk darah tinggi
Celery leaf illustration (Unsplash / Milada Vigerova)

Along with phthalides, apigenin can prevent narrowing of blood vessels. Apigenin also slows down the heart rate and decreases cardiac contraction.

3nB compound (3-n-butyl phthalide)

This compound gives off a distinctive fresh aroma from celery. It has the same benefits as phthalides, which relaxes blood vessels.

According to Doctor Laffin's instructions, for those of you who have high blood pressure, the DASH diet is recommended. This diet aims to lower blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

"A diet based largely on plants is ideal," says Laffin.

That means the DASH diet is limiting sugary foods, sugary drinks, and red meat. It is recommended to eat foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and vegetable oils.

From a series of good foods, you can get potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein. While sodium and sodium need to be tightly controlled to get normal blood pressure.

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