YOGYAKARTA Medically, exercise is recommended to be carried out regularly for a healthy body. Even in sexual life, regular exercise also plays a major role. In a complex way, the mental aspect of sex is still influenced by physical actions. So why does regular exercise increase sexual life?

You have more muscle, activate more muscles, and learn how to control your muscles, said Ariel Iasevoli, lead coach at Crunch Gym reported by Well+Good, Thursday, June 20. With regular exercise, in addition to stabilizing and moving better, this is the benefit of sexual life.

Weightlifting and HIIT classes are not only good for shaping the stomach muscle. But this type of strength exercise, train body strength. Don't forget to also train the pelvic floor muscles, for example with Kegel exercises. The fact is that the pelvic floor muscles are generally stronger for better orgasm quality, said Logan Levkoff, PhD, sex experts and educators who are very trusted.

Levkoff said, people who exercise regularly tend to have a better body image and are more confident than those who don't. That way, someone will feel comfortable with themselves and of course have direct contact with sexual satisfaction.

Small research shows that after exercise, women become more aroused. This study measures scientifically, including vaginal amplitude and vaginal blood volume. The study continued to show that most exercise activates sympathetic nerves. That way, according to Levkoff, a certain increase in blood flow has the potential to increase passion.

The science of how exercise affects testosterone levels in women and men is still complicated. Serious endurance exercises, such as triathlon, can actually affect the test results of testosterone levels in the body.

However, some studies have shown that endurance exercises, in particular, can increase the levels of female testosterone, which is good for libido. Obviously Levkoff, increased testosterone will definitely increase desire. This means that if we produce more testosterone, it tends to have a high desire.

Research shows that exercise has a very strong ability to curb depression and anxiety. So it makes sense that exercise can help overcome depression. In his relationship with sexual life, it also has a positive impact. With regular exercise, blood flow increases and in women, it helps as an antidepressant.

Those are the five regular benefits of sports in sexual life. If you haven't regularly exercised, it's best to start allocating schedules for regular exercise.

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